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Craw - Gamberi

Craw - Gamberi

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    <p>Noires Escape Twin. Escape Twin" The "Escape Twin" has a sharp movement and a "strong" appeal effect due to its volume. All of the parts with increased volume have a straight water-pushing shape. This allows it to move sharply during the fall and lift, inviting a reaction, and when it hits the bottom or shakes, each part stirs up the water and appeals with a strong presence. The two thick paddles, which are particularly distinctive, wobble up and down during the action, as well as during the fall and when it is simply reeled in, making for a unique appeal. The overall silhouette is a size that is suitable for standard crayfish. The salt mixed into the high specific gravity material and the taste and scent particles further ensure that it bites. It can be used in Texas, where it hits covers such as posts and bushes, or in Carolina, where it is aimed at breaks and humps. It is also a great match as a rubber jig trailer for big fish. This worm is indispensable for fishing with "strong" soft baits that are quick to win.</p> <p>the "Escape Twin" has a sharp movement and a strong appeal due to its volume. This classic soft bait boasts numerous achievements, and now has a "Pro Guide Select" series supervised by Takao Ogino of the NORIES FACTORY team. He will personally explain this item, which was used in this interview. </p> <p><img src="" alt="NORIES -&lt;/div&gt;&lt;/body&gt;&lt;/html&gt;" /></p>
    Prezzo 11,90 €


      <p>4” Front Flapper Curly The "4" Front Flapper Curly" packs excellent swimming and falling action into a bulky bait form. The front flapper coming out from the center of the body, from which the name comes, is a newly designed design that creates a strong water push from the front of the body. When you operate it, you will feel a resistance that is stronger than ever before. The twin curly tail generates strong vibrations to attract fish, and the main body, which is composed of unique deep ribs, also grabs the water strongly, creating an excellent operating feel. In addition, it has high snag resistance that makes it difficult to expose the hook point, while enabling a high probability of hooking. The "4" Front Flapper Curly" has an excellent balance design that can handle everything from swimming to shooting into cover, and is excellent not only for Texas rigs but also for free rigs, leaderless down shots, rubber jig trailers, and heavy caro.</p> <p><iframe width="468" height="293" src="" title="【田辺哲男】フリーリグ・岩盤とフラットの引き方の違い【フロントフラッパーカーリー】" frameborder="0"></iframe> <iframe width="468" height="293" src="" title="ノリーズ 「フロントフラッパーカーリー」解説 伊藤巧" frameborder="0"></iframe></p> <table> <thead class="pestit"> <tr> <td>Codice</td> <td>Modello</td> <td>Misura</td> <td>Colore</td> </tr> </thead> <tbody class="pestxt"> <tr> <td>19224</td> <td>NORIES FRONT FLAPPER CURLY</td> <td>4"</td> <td>COL. 123</td> </tr> <tr> <td>17142</td> <td>NORIES FRONT FLAPPER CURLY</td> <td>4"</td> <td>COL. 133</td> </tr> <tr> <td>17143</td> <td>NORIES FRONT FLAPPER CURLY</td> <td>4"</td> <td>COL. 196</td> </tr> <tr> <td>19225</td> <td>NORIES FRONT FLAPPER CURLY</td> <td>4"</td> <td>COL. 199</td> </tr> <tr> <td>19226</td> <td>NORIES FRONT FLAPPER CURLY</td> <td>4"</td> <td>COL. 281</td> </tr> <tr> <td>17144</td> <td>NORIES FRONT FLAPPER CURLY</td> <td>4"</td> <td>COL. 299</td> </tr> <tr> <td>17145</td> <td>NORIES FRONT FLAPPER CURLY</td> <td>4"</td> <td>COL. 317</td> </tr> <tr> <td>17148</td> <td>NORIES FRONT FLAPPER CURLY</td> <td>4"</td> <td>COL. 442</td> </tr> <tr> <td>17149</td> <td>NORIES FRONT FLAPPER CURLY</td> <td>4"</td> <td>COL. 501</td> </tr> <tr> <td>19230</td> <td>NORIES FRONT FLAPPER CURLY</td> <td>4"</td> <td>COL. 533</td> </tr> <tr> <td>19231</td> <td>NORIES FRONT FLAPPER CURLY</td> <td>4"</td> <td>COL. 534</td> </tr> </tbody> </table>
      Prezzo 11,50 €
      Craw - Gamberi NORIES SWITCH ON TRILER


        <p>Nories Switch On Trailer è un jig finesse trailer compatto in plastica morbida costruito per applicazioni power finesse Bass Fishing La Soft Bait Nories Switch On Trailer è caratterizzato da un corpo spesso ma corto che emette vibrazioni moderate per attirare Black Bass pressati. Realizzato in materiale plastico morbido appesantito per migliorare le prestazioni di lancio, lo Switch On Trailer presenta cinque appendici in tutto il corpo che sottolineano fortemente la loro presenza e attirano i pesci con azioni individuali l'una dell'altra. Lunghezza 64 mm Confezione 8 pz. Switch On Trailer" Power finesse fishing can produce results even in situations where bass do not bite easily, such as major lakes and tournaments. In this fishing where you shoot a small rubber jig into the deepest part of the cover, the Switch On Trailer is a trailer bait that allows you to approach the bass more aggressively in the spot and get them to bite. The thick and short body pursues the optimal balance between the "moderate water displacement" that is important in power finesse, and the "bite size" that makes it easy to suck into the mouth even with a short bite. As a trailer for a small rubber jig, which is the basic usage, the five arms placed all over the body strongly appeal to their presence with their individual actions. In addition, the large front arm deliberately suppresses the casting speed of the small rubber jig, allowing you to cast it accurately to the pin spot of the cover. As an applied use, if you cut the tail and attach it to the offset hook in reverse, it will be effective not only as a small rubber jig trailer but also as a "bug lure". It is a finesse bait that combines attack and feeding, packed with the necessary performance that you can only know from a power finesse master. <iframe width="468" height="293" src="" title="ノリーズ・山口敦史が解説!カメラバ+スイッチオントレーラー" frameborder="0"></iframe> <iframe width="468" height="293" src="" title="スイッチオントレーラーの虫チューニング法(通称ピコチュウ)を伊藤巧が解説" frameborder="0"></iframe></p><table><thead class="pestit"><tr><td>Modello</td><td>Colore</td></tr></thead><tbody class="pestxt"><tr><td>NORIES SWITCH ON TRILER</td><td>COL. 317</td></tr><tr><td>NORIES SWITCH ON TRILER</td><td>COL. 442</td></tr><tr><td>NORIES SWITCH ON TRILER</td><td>COL. 460</td></tr><tr><td>NORIES SWITCH ON TRILER</td><td>COL. 467</td></tr><tr><td>NORIES SWITCH ON TRILER</td><td>COL. 530</td></tr><tr><td>NORIES SWITCH ON TRILER</td><td>COL. 531</td></tr></tbody></table>
        Prezzo 8,90 €
        Craw - Gamberi Reins AX CRAW

          Reins AX CRAW

          <p>Reins AX CRAW. Disponibile in 4 differenti misure le esche Reins Axe Claw sono perfette per le armature jig head, funzioneranno bene con un set Texas o Carolina. Le chele vibrano meravigliosamente durante il movimento, imitando il comportamento naturale del gambero. Il sale e l'aroma dei gamberetti, aiutano la spigola ad abboccare con sicurezza, dando al pescatore più tempo per agganciarsi. Le esche Reins Axe Claw sono ottime per la pesca su sponde rocciose. La loro azione realistica è dovuta all'utilizzo di plastica estremamente morbida. The Rein’s Ax Claw is ideal for rigging on the back of a jig, Texas rigging or on a Carolina rig. The claws flutter and vibrate beautifully when swam on a swim jig. Salt infused &amp; Shrimp Scented keeps lunker bass from letting go. Craws are terrific for flipping around rocky banks, riprap and any other place bass chomp craws.</p> <table> <thead class="pestit"> <tr> <td>Codice</td> <td>Modello</td> <td>Misura</td> <td>Colore</td> <td></td> </tr> </thead> <tbody class="pestxt"> <tr> <td>4571370204450</td> <td>AX CRAW MINI</td> <td>2"</td> <td>COL. 310</td> <td>STRAWBERRY</td> </tr> <tr> <td>4571370217214</td> <td>AX CRAW MINI</td> <td>2"</td> <td>COL. 19</td> <td>OX BLOOD</td> </tr> <tr> <td>4582713191986</td> <td>AX CRAW MINI</td> <td>2"</td> <td>COL. 128</td> <td>GLOW BUBBLEGUM SILVER</td> </tr> <tr> <td>4571370204467</td> <td>AX CRAW MINI</td> <td>2"</td> <td>COL. 419</td> <td>CHART PEPPER</td> </tr> <tr> <td>4571370210901</td> <td>AX CRAW MINI</td> <td>2"</td> <td>COL. 429</td> <td>MOTOR OIL PEPPER</td> </tr> <tr> <td>4571370198834</td> <td>AX CRAW MINI</td> <td>2"</td> <td>COL. 7</td> <td>EBIMISO SP</td> </tr> <tr> <td>4582713191986</td> <td>AX CRAW MINI</td> <td>2"</td> <td>COL. 128</td> <td>GLOW BUBBLEGUM SILVER</td> </tr> <tr> <td>4571370217238</td> <td>AX CRAW MINI</td> <td>2"</td> <td>COL. 129</td> <td>GLOW CHART SILVER</td> </tr> <tr> <td>4571370223772</td> <td>AX CRAW MINI</td> <td>2"</td> <td>COL. B09</td> <td>SMOKE MUSTARD</td> </tr> <tr> <td>4582713191955</td> <td>AX CRAW</td> <td>2.5"</td> <td>COL. 310</td> <td>STRAWBERRY</td> </tr> <tr> <td>4582713197797</td> <td>AX CRAW</td> <td>2.5"</td> <td>COL. B09</td> <td>SMOKE MUSTARD</td> </tr> <tr> <td>4582713191979</td> <td>AX CRAW</td> <td>2.5"</td> <td>COL. B85</td> <td>PEPPER/GLOW MELON SODA</td> </tr> <tr> <td>4582713191924</td> <td>AX CRAW</td> <td>2.5"</td> <td>COL. 19</td> <td>OX BLOOD</td> </tr> <tr> <td>4582713191931</td> <td>AX CRAW</td> <td>2.5"</td> <td>COL. 128</td> <td>GLOW BUBBLEGUM SILVER</td> </tr> <tr> <td>4582713191962</td> <td>AX CRAW</td> <td>2.5"</td> <td>COL. 419</td> <td>CHART PEPPER</td> </tr> <tr> <td>4571415666656</td> <td>AX CRAW</td> <td>2.5"</td> <td>COL. 429</td> <td>MOTOR OIL PEPPER</td> </tr> <tr> <td>4571415666632</td> <td>AX CRAW</td> <td>2.5"</td> <td>COL. 7</td> <td>EBIMISO SP</td> </tr> <tr> <td>4582713191948</td> <td>AX CRAW</td> <td>2.5"</td> <td>COL. 129</td> <td>GLOW CHART SILVER</td> </tr> <tr> <td>4562285122960</td> <td>AX CRAW</td> <td>3.5"</td> <td>COL. 310</td> <td>STRAWBERRY</td> </tr> <tr> <td>4582713191993</td> <td>AX CRAW</td> <td>3.5"</td> <td>COL. B18</td> <td>VER DE BERGE</td> </tr> <tr> <td>4562285113012</td> <td>AX CRAW</td> <td>3.5"</td> <td>COL. 7</td> <td>EBIMISO SP</td> </tr> <tr> <td>4571370192603</td> <td>AX CRAW</td> <td>3.5"</td> <td>COL. B08</td> <td>GREEN PUMPKIN CHART MELON</td> </tr> <tr> <td>4562285122953</td> <td>AX CRAW</td> <td>3.5"</td> <td>COL. 25</td> <td>WATERMELON RED</td> </tr> <tr> <td>4562285112978</td> <td>AX CRAW</td> <td>3.5"</td> <td>COL. 2</td> <td>GREEN PUMPKIN</td> </tr> <tr> <td>4571370204511</td> <td>AX CRAW</td> <td>4"</td> <td>COL. 310</td> <td>STRAWBERRY</td> </tr> <tr> <td>4582713192006</td> <td>AX CRAW</td> <td>4"</td> <td>COL. B18</td> <td>VER DE BERGE</td> </tr> <tr> <td>4571370195567</td> <td>AX CRAW</td> <td>4"</td> <td>COL. 7</td> <td>EBIMISO SP</td> </tr> <tr> <td>4571415650488</td> <td>AX CRAW</td> <td>4"</td> <td>COL. B08</td> <td>GREEN PUMPKIN CHART MELON</td> </tr> <tr> <td>4571370195611</td> <td>AX CRAW</td> <td>4"</td> <td>COL. 25</td> <td>WATERMELON RED</td> </tr> <tr> <td>4571370195536</td> <td>AX CRAW</td> <td>4"</td> <td>COL. 2</td> <td>GREEN PUMPKIN</td> </tr> </tbody> </table>
          Prezzo 7,00 €
          Craw - Gamberi Reins G TAIL TWIN

            Reins G TAIL TWIN

            <p>L'esca Reins G-Tail Twin ha un corpo più piatto, per una maggiore scorrevolezza, linguette più sottili per consentire alle braccia di svolazzare liberamente. È imbevuta di profumo caratteristico dei gamberetti e alla miscela di gomma, sono state aggiunte grandi quantità di sale, il che aumenta notevolmente il numero di prese. Perfetta per il rinforzo con una jig head, funzionerà bene in un set Texas o Carolina. Reins G TAIL TWIN Designed to fish on its own or as a Jig Trailer, the Reins G-Tail Twin with a 2” or 3” option has a flatter body to glide easier, thinner appendages to kick more freely, and incorporates the Reins signature scent, consisting of large amounts of salt and shrimp scent, proven to increase your catch ratio. The Reins G-Tail Twin excels when paired with any Jig, Jighead, Swim Jig, or Texas Rigged. The Reins G-Tail Twin is made to put out the vibration and enhance the action of Jig to entice quality fish!</p><table><thead class="pestit"><tr><td>Codice</td><td>Modello</td><td>Misura</td><td>Colore</td><td></td></tr></thead><tbody class="pestxt"><tr><td>4571370249956</td><td>G TAIL TWIN</td><td>2"</td><td>COL. 310</td><td>STRAWBERRY</td></tr><tr><td>4582713192105</td><td>G TAIL TWIN</td><td>2"</td><td>COL. B85</td><td>PEPPER/GLOW MELON SODA</td></tr><tr><td>4571370242650</td><td>G TAIL TWIN</td><td>2"</td><td>COL. 19</td><td>OX BLOOD</td></tr><tr><td>4582713192099</td><td>G TAIL TWIN</td><td>2"</td><td>COL. 128</td><td>GLOW BUBBLEGUM SILVER</td></tr><tr><td>4571370236987</td><td>G TAIL TWIN</td><td>2"</td><td>COL. 419</td><td>CHART PEPPER</td></tr><tr><td>4571370236994</td><td>G TAIL TWIN</td><td>2"</td><td>COL. 429</td><td>MOTOR OIL PEPPER</td></tr><tr><td>4571370235744</td><td>G TAIL TWIN</td><td>2"</td><td>COL. 7</td><td>EBIMISO SP</td></tr><tr><td>4571370236925</td><td>G TAIL TWIN</td><td>2"</td><td>COL. 129</td><td>GLOW CHART SILVER</td></tr><tr><td>4571415625813</td><td>G TAIL TWIN</td><td>3"</td><td>COL. 310</td><td>STRAWBERRY</td></tr><tr><td>4582713192129</td><td>G TAIL TWIN</td><td>3"</td><td>COL. B85</td><td>PEPPER/GLOW MELON SODA</td></tr><tr><td>4571415573244</td><td>G TAIL TWIN</td><td>3"</td><td>COL. 19</td><td>OX BLOOD</td></tr><tr><td>4582713192112</td><td>G TAIL TWIN</td><td>3"</td><td>COL. 128</td><td>GLOW BUBBLEGUM SILVER</td></tr><tr><td>4571370248850</td><td>G TAIL TWIN</td><td>3"</td><td>COL. 419</td><td>CHART PEPPER</td></tr><tr><td>4571415573251</td><td>G TAIL TWIN</td><td>3"</td><td>COL. 429</td><td>MOTOR OIL PEPPER</td></tr><tr><td>4571370245743</td><td>G TAIL TWIN</td><td>3"</td><td>COL. 7</td><td>EBIMISO SP</td></tr><tr><td>4571370250556</td><td>G TAIL TWIN</td><td>3"</td><td>COL. 129</td><td>GLOW CHART SILVER</td></tr></tbody></table>
            Prezzo 6,00 €
            Craw - Gamberi Reins HOG

              Reins HOG

              <p>Reins HOG L'esca REINS HOG da 3,5'' è considerata una creatura di riferimento in Giappone. Di aspetto piuttosto semplice, il corpo del REINS Hog è dotato di appendici con un'azione studiata in modo intelligente. I bracci staccati sono piatti per una migliore mobilità. Le zampe hanno uno spessore progressivo, che amplifica i movimenti. Per quanto riguarda le antenne, si tratta di due code di tipo G-Tail, esclusive del marchio giapponese e apprezzate per le loro notevoli vibrazioni. Utilizzata da sola in una montatura Texas con piombo o in un trailer jig, l'esca artificiale REINS Hog da 3,5'' vi darà risultati eccellenti.</p> <table> <thead class="pestit"> <tr> <td>Codice</td> <td>Modello</td> <td>Misura</td> <td>Colore</td> <td></td> </tr> </thead> <tbody class="pestxt"> <tr> <td>4571288660478</td> <td>HOG</td> <td>3.5"</td> <td>COL. 310</td> <td>STRAWBERRY</td> </tr> <tr> <td>4571288665169</td> <td>HOG</td> <td>3.5"</td> <td>COL. 7</td> <td>EBIMISO SP</td> </tr> <tr> <td>4571415619232</td> <td>HOG</td> <td>3.5"</td> <td>COL. B08</td> <td>GREEN PUMPKIN CHART MELON</td> </tr> <tr> <td>4562285121291</td> <td>HOG</td> <td>3.5"</td> <td>COL. 25</td> <td>WATERMELON RED</td> </tr> <tr> <td>4571288665121</td> <td>HOG</td> <td>3.5"</td> <td>COL. 2</td> <td>GREEN PUMPKIN</td> </tr> </tbody> </table>
              Prezzo 8,00 €
              Craw - Gamberi Reins RING CRAW

                Reins RING CRAW

                <p>Reins RING CRAW. The Rein’s 3″ Ring Claw offers you a large body with ringed claws and little feet that attract fish from all around. Heavy salt concentration, and our unique shrimp scent keep the fish on all the way to you. BUY NOW</p> <table> <thead class="pestit"> <tr> <td>Codice</td> <td>Modello</td> <td>Misura</td> <td>Colore</td> <td></td> </tr> </thead> <tbody class="pestxt"> <tr> <td>4562285122946</td> <td>RING CRAW</td> <td>3”</td> <td>COL. 310</td> <td>STRAWBERRY</td> </tr> <tr> <td>4562285125640</td> <td>RING CRAW</td> <td>3”</td> <td>COL. 19</td> <td>OX BLOOD</td> </tr> <tr> <td>4582713191917</td> <td>RING CRAW</td> <td>3”</td> <td>COL. B18</td> <td>VER DE BERGE</td> </tr> <tr> <td>4562285111711</td> <td>RING CRAW</td> <td>3”</td> <td>COL. 7</td> <td>EBIMISO SP</td> </tr> <tr> <td>4571370192566</td> <td>RING CRAW</td> <td>3”</td> <td>COL. B08</td> <td>GREEN PUMPKIN CHART MELON</td> </tr> <tr> <td>4571370192573</td> <td>RING CRAW</td> <td>3”</td> <td>COL. B09</td> <td>SMOKE MUSTARD</td> </tr> <tr> <td>4562285122939</td> <td>RING CRAW</td> <td>3”</td> <td>COL. 25</td> <td>WATERMELON RED</td> </tr> </tbody> </table>
                Prezzo 7,50 €
                Craw - Gamberi Reins RING CRAW MINI

                  Reins RING CRAW MINI

                  <p>Reins RING CRAW MINI. The Rein’s 2.5″Ring Claw mini offers you a large body with ringed claws and little feet that attract fish from all around. Heavy salt concentration, and our unique shrimp scent keep the fish on all the way to you.</p> <table> <thead class="pestit"> <tr> <td>Codice</td> <td>Modello</td> <td>Misura</td> <td>Colore</td> <td></td> </tr> </thead> <tbody class="pestxt"> <tr> <td>4571370205679</td> <td>RING CRAW MINI</td> <td>2.5"</td> <td>COL. 310</td> <td>STRAWBERRY</td> </tr> <tr> <td>4582713191894</td> <td>RING CRAW MINI</td> <td>2.5"</td> <td>COL. 19</td> <td>OX BLOOD</td> </tr> <tr> <td>4571370219638</td> <td>RING CRAW MINI</td> <td>2.5"</td> <td>COL. 429</td> <td>MOTOR OIL PEPPER</td> </tr> <tr> <td>4571370223598</td> <td>RING CRAW MINI</td> <td>2.5"</td> <td>COL. 4B09</td> <td>SMOKE MUSTARD</td> </tr> <tr> <td>4582713191900</td> <td>RING CRAW MINI</td> <td>2.5"</td> <td>COL. 129</td> <td>GLOW CHART SILVER</td> </tr> </tbody> </table>
                  Prezzo 7,50 €