Dyneema 100% Multicolor High Depth Top Quality Made in Japan, is a braid resulting from the union of multiple threads. The 100 mt.coils are connected and marked by color change every 10 meters with a mark on every meter. The section is perfectly round. Resistant to marine agents, it has high tensile strength and total absence of elongation. The outstanding multimicrofibre makes it particularly suitable for bolentino fishing and Vertical Jigging.
<h4>Dyneema 100% Multicolor High Depth Top Quality Made in Japan, is a braid resulting from the union of multiple threads. The 100 mt.coils are connected and marked by color change every 10 meters with a mark on every meter. The section is perfectly round. Resistant to marine agents, it has high tensile strength and total absence of elongation. The outstanding multimicrofibre makes it particularly suitable for bolentino fishing and Vertical Jigging. </h4> <table><thead class="pestit"><tr><td>Modello</td> <td>Colore</td> <td>Ø mm</td> <td>Carico di Rottura (Kg/Lbs)</td> </tr></thead><tbody class="pestxt"><tr><td>ARTICO DYNEEMA<br />ARTICO DYNEEMA<br />ARTICO DYNEEMA</td> <td>Multicolor<br />Multicolor<br />Multicolor</td> <td>0,22<br />0,28<br />0,36</td> <td>15,00 Kg<br />17,20 Kg<br />28,60 Kg</td> </tr></tbody></table>
Model: ARTICO DYNEEMA 100% MULTICOLOR Lenght: 100 metri Colors: multicolors