List of products by brand Zip Bait

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    <p>Esca gallegiante B Switcher ZIP BAITS. un potenziale enorme caratterizza questo crank bait. Molto una forte ampiezza di nuoto tanto naturale quanto imprevedibile. Una discesa molto rapida verso il fondo, quasi alla verticale (caratteristica essenziale per un buono crank). In occasione dell'uso, è capace di effettuare del 270° su sé stesso, ciò che nessun altro crank può fare. Fornita del sistema brevettato MAG-DRIVE (inserzione magnetica di propulsione in occasione di di lanciarlo), B-SWITCHER resta diritta e fende le arie. Nonostante questo sistema, lo esca ridiventa silenziosi in azione di pesca. È la sua grande particolarità, poiché oggi la maggior parte degli crank bait è fornita di biglie Rumoristi, cosa che dispiace sempre più ai predatori che ne diffidano come peste. La sua grande falda lo protegge degli ostacoli, e gli permette di saltarli senza ingombra (rami, alghe, pietre…) For the capture of the shoreline, an area with a depth of about 1 m The areas where B-Switcher 1.0 is most good are visible structures such as standing trees, fallen trees and para reeds. Among the many compact shallow crankbaits, it is a powerful group with a particularly high snagless performance. Wide wobbling action. In early spring night bashing, slow retrieve will finish the ranker. B-Switcher 1.0 Size:45mm Weight:6.8g/7.8g(Ratler)Hook:#8 Split ring:#2 Type:Floating</p> <table> <thead class="pestit"> <tr> <td>CODE</td> <td>MODEL</td> <td>Modello</td> <td>Colore</td> </tr> </thead> <tbody class="pestxt"> <tr> <td>27454</td> <td>ZIP BAIT B-SWITCHER 1.0</td> <td>1.0</td> <td>COL. 019</td> </tr> <tr> <td>27455</td> <td>ZIP BAIT B-SWITCHER 1.0</td> <td>1.0</td> <td>COL. 089</td> </tr> <tr> <td>27456</td> <td>ZIP BAIT B-SWITCHER 1.0</td> <td>1.0</td> <td>COL. 510</td> </tr> </tbody> </table>
    Price €22.50
    Zip Bait ZIP BAIT B-SWITCHER 2.0


      <p>MIDDLE RANGE DINER Bee Switcher 2.0 traces the middle range of water depth of 2-3m. In the muddy area, the water is too deep to see the structure, but instead of the angler, a careful bottom and structure trace is performed. In the tournament scene, he has become a point getter many times and is truly a “money bait”. Also, it is a fact that everyone knows that there is a scene in Noike where you can only eat 2.0 silent type. Please try the wobbling with a sense of life that is almost nonexistent. B-Switcher 2.0 Size:55mm Weight:10.0g Hook:#8 Split ring:#2 Type:Floating</p> <table> <thead class="pestit"> <tr> <td>CODE</td> <td>MODEL</td> <td>Lunghezza</td> <td>Peso </td> <td>Colore</td> </tr> </thead> <tbody class="pestxt"> <tr> <td>27458</td> <td>ZIP BAIT B-SWITCHER 2.0</td> <td>5,5 cm</td> <td>10 gr</td> <td>COL. 018</td> </tr> <tr> <td>27459</td> <td>ZIP BAIT B-SWITCHER 2.0</td> <td>5,5 cm</td> <td>10 gr</td> <td>COL. 030</td> </tr> <tr> <td>27457</td> <td>ZIP BAIT B-SWITCHER 2.0</td> <td>5,5 cm</td> <td>10 gr</td> <td>COL. 054</td> </tr> <tr> <td>27460</td> <td>ZIP BAIT B-SWITCHER 2.0</td> <td>5,5 cm</td> <td>10 gr</td> <td>COL. 337</td> </tr> <tr> <td>27461</td> <td>ZIP BAIT B-SWITCHER 2.0</td> <td>5,5 cm</td> <td>10 gr</td> <td>COL. 667</td> </tr> </tbody> </table>
      Price €23.00
      Zip Bait ZIP BAIT B-SWITCHER 3.0


        <p>Capture the middle deep in the B-Switcher series, B-Switcher 3.0 has arrived. A slim and compact body that follows the form of B-Switcher 4.0. The B-Switcher series has a proven track record over the years in Japan and overseas. It's a crankbait that’s same as the original series, having light retrieve comfort and can catch any size bass or other fish. Anyone can use it, was made to respect the fundamentals of crankbaits so that 100% performance can be drawn upon. Complex rod work is unnecessary, use a retrieve speed to suit the conditions of the day. Action Has a natural tight wobbling action using Medium - Fast Retrieve speeds, has a stable clean action without any uneven wobbling. The silky and comfortable beat of the B-Switcher 3.0 makes it a pleasure to use and won't cause discomfort to the angler even after many hours of use. Obstacle avoidance ability With the Mag-drive system installed and its body design, enables a tight and close approach to bottom structure. It's the optimum performance required to catch bass that are slow in activity and stay behind sunken obstacles. B-Switcher 3.0 Size:60mm Weight:12.5g Hook:#6 Split ring:#2 Type:Floating</p> <table> <thead class="pestit"> <tr> <td>CODE</td> <td>MODEL</td> <td>Modello</td> <td>Colore</td> </tr> </thead> <tbody class="pestxt"> <tr> <td>27462</td> <td>ZIP BAIT B-SWITCHER 3.0</td> <td>3.0</td> <td>COL. 018</td> </tr> <tr> <td>27463</td> <td>ZIP BAIT B-SWITCHER 3.0</td> <td>3.0</td> <td>COL. 030</td> </tr> <tr> <td>27464</td> <td>ZIP BAIT B-SWITCHER 3.0</td> <td>3.0</td> <td>COL. 054</td> </tr> <tr> <td>27465</td> <td>ZIP BAIT B-SWITCHER 3.0</td> <td>3.0</td> <td>COL. 082</td> </tr> <tr> <td>27466</td> <td>ZIP BAIT B-SWITCHER 3.0</td> <td>3.0</td> <td>COL. 667</td> </tr> </tbody> </table>
        Price €24.00
        Zip Bait ZIP BAIT B-SWITCHER 4.0

          ZIP BAIT B-SWITCHER 4.0

          <p></p> <table> <thead class="pestit"> <tr> <td>CODE</td> <td>MODEL</td> <td>Modello</td> <td>Colore</td> </tr> </thead> <tbody class="pestxt"> <tr> <td>27467</td> <td>ZIP BAIT B-SWITCHER 4.0</td> <td>4.0</td> <td>COL. 018</td> </tr> <tr> <td>27468</td> <td>ZIP BAIT B-SWITCHER 4.0</td> <td>4.0</td> <td>COL. 054</td> </tr> <tr> <td>27469</td> <td>ZIP BAIT B-SWITCHER 4.0</td> <td>4.0</td> <td>COL. 667</td> </tr> </tbody> </table>
          Price €25.90
          Zip Bait ZIP BAIT ORBIT 80 SP-SR

            ZIP BAIT ORBIT 80 SP-SR

            <p>Orbit SP-SR King of Jerkbait. Middle size jerkbait that has both excellent castability and irresistible action. Orbit SP-SR is the best lure to use as a pilot bait throughout the year regardless of the season. The ultimate balance, amazing fishing results Introducing 90mm, which fills the gap in the lineup of 65mm, 80mm, and 110mm of the existing ORBIT series. The size of the Orbit series genealogy "good for winding and good for jerk" is also realized in this size. It is a middle spec that you want to use in situations where you feel that 110 mm is oversized. With a weight of more than 10g, it has castability that can be extended by bait tackle even in windy conditions, and as a search bait, it can find the target location with good tempo. Keep the tackle in the lure rotation regardless of the season. ORBIT90SP-SR Size:90mm Weight:10.2g Hook:#6 Split ring:#3 Type:Suspending</p>
            Price €23.50
            Zip Bait ZIP BAIT ORBIT SP

              ZIP BAIT ORBIT SP

              <p>Orbit SP-SR King of Jerkbait. Middle size jerkbait that has both excellent castability and irresistible action. Orbit SP-SR is the best lure to use as a pilot bait throughout the year regardless of the season</p><table><thead class="pestit"><tr><td>CODE</td><td>MODEL</td><td>Modello</td><td>Colore</td></tr></thead><tbody class="pestxt"><tr><td>27440</td><td>ZIP BAIT ORBIT SP</td><td>110SP</td><td>COL. 018</td></tr><tr><td>27441</td><td>ZIP BAIT ORBIT SP</td><td>110SP</td><td>COL. 021</td></tr><tr><td>27442</td><td>ZIP BAIT ORBIT SP</td><td>110SP</td><td>COL. 337</td></tr><tr><td>27443</td><td>ZIP BAIT ORBIT SP</td><td>110SP</td><td>COL. 817</td></tr><tr><td>27437</td><td>ZIP BAIT ORBIT SP</td><td>130SP</td><td>COL. 021</td></tr><tr><td>27438</td><td>ZIP BAIT ORBIT SP</td><td>130SP</td><td>COL. 337</td></tr><tr><td>27439</td><td>ZIP BAIT ORBIT SP</td><td>130SP</td><td>COL. 817</td></tr></tbody></table>
              Price €25.00
              Zip Bait ZIP BAIT ORBIT SP-DR

                ZIP BAIT ORBIT SP-DR

                <p>Orbit SP-DR Wide darting action in the middle range. Diving jerkbait does not create any resistance during retrieval thanks to its short lip. Best lure to use during the spawning season and during the winter months.</p><table><thead class="pestit"><tr><td>CODE</td><td>MODEL</td><td>Modello</td><td>Colore</td></tr></thead><tbody class="pestxt"><tr><td>27444</td><td>ZIP BAIT ORBIT SP-DR</td><td>80SP-DR</td><td>COL. 018</td></tr><tr><td>27445</td><td>ZIP BAIT ORBIT SP-DR</td><td>80SP-DR</td><td>COL. 021</td></tr><tr><td>27446</td><td>ZIP BAIT ORBIT SP-DR</td><td>80SP-DR</td><td>COL. 817</td></tr></tbody></table>
                Price €21.90
                Zip Bait ZIP BAIT RIGGE 70F

                  ZIP BAIT RIGGE 70F

                  <p>ZIP Baits Rigge 70F Flexible and light, from retrieval fishing to inviting fishing. We designed the wobbling and rolling action with the goal of natural appeal that’s not too pronounced. It’s a gentle invitation with a steady retrieve where it will demonstrate it’s worth. The light operation of both the F and S are good when aiming for a reaction bite by continuous twitching. It’s a basic lure that can be used to correspond to a wide range of fishing conditions and seasons, from fast flowing main rivers to mountain streams. Floating minnow bait has weight moving system to cast like a rocket. Its casting performance is unparalled by similar sinking minnows for the size. Moving weight is made of MZ19, super high ratio material. It makes relatively moderate wobbling actions with a lot of rolling at steady retreive, and sharp darting actions at twitchings. Rigge 70F Size:70㎜ Weight:4.7g Hook:#10 Split ring:#1 Type:Floating</p><table><thead class="pestit"><tr><td>CODE</td><td>MODEL</td><td>Modello</td><td>Colore</td></tr></thead><tbody class="pestxt"><tr><td>27322</td><td>ZIP BAIT RIGGE 70F</td><td>70F</td><td>COL. 191</td></tr><tr><td>27323</td><td>ZIP BAIT RIGGE 70F</td><td>70F</td><td>COL. 432</td></tr><tr><td>27324</td><td>ZIP BAIT RIGGE 70F</td><td>70F</td><td>COL. 486</td></tr><tr><td>27325</td><td>ZIP BAIT RIGGE 70F</td><td>70F</td><td>COL. 810</td></tr><tr><td>27326</td><td>ZIP BAIT RIGGE 70F</td><td>70F</td><td>COL. 851</td></tr><tr><td>27327</td><td>ZIP BAIT RIGGE 70F</td><td>70F</td><td>COL. 916</td></tr></tbody></table>
                  Price €22.50
                  Zip Bait ZIP BAIT RIGGE 90F

                    ZIP BAIT RIGGE 90F

                    <p>ZIP BAIT RIGGE 90F A joy to manipulat joy to catch fish with. A flat body that twists and flashes with light twitching, giving great appeal to big fish. A rhythm when winding makes it controllable at the will of the angler and that’s an invitation for fish, a lightness that does not make it feel like a lure that’s 90mm in size. Normally the weight inevitably increases with a lure of this size, quietness of Mag-drive makes it come alive. For main stream rivers to natural lakes and dams, the range of this minnow is infinitive. ZIP BAIT RIGGE 90F Size:90㎜ Weight:9.5g Hook:#6 Split ring:#3 Type:Floating</p><table><thead class="pestit"><tr><td>CODE</td><td>MODEL</td><td>Modello</td><td>Colore</td></tr></thead><tbody class="pestxt"><tr><td>27304</td><td>ZIP BAIT RIGGE 90F</td><td>90F</td><td>COL. 191</td></tr><tr><td>27305</td><td>ZIP BAIT RIGGE 90F</td><td>90F</td><td>COL. 218</td></tr><tr><td>27306</td><td>ZIP BAIT RIGGE 90F</td><td>90F</td><td>COL. 317</td></tr><tr><td>27307</td><td>ZIP BAIT RIGGE 90F</td><td>90F</td><td>COL. 810</td></tr><tr><td>27308</td><td>ZIP BAIT RIGGE 90F</td><td>90F</td><td>COL. 864</td></tr><tr><td>27309</td><td>ZIP BAIT RIGGE 90F</td><td>90F</td><td>COL. 975</td></tr></tbody></table>
                    Price €25.50
                    Zip Bait ZIP BAIT RIGGE 90MN SECRET

                      ZIP BAIT RIGGE 90MN SECRET

                      <p>ZipBaits Rigge 90 MN Secret è stato chiamato così perché è il risultato ''segreto'' degli sviluppi fatti da Masahiro Nishimura sul classico Rigge 90F. Il lavoro si è incentrato tutto sul grado di affondamento reso quasi neutro. La volontà del progettista è, infatti, stata quella di ottenere un minnow con un assetto appena più pesante di un suspending, in modo che fluttuasse nel modo più naturale possibile nella corrente durante gli stop. L'assetto ottenuto è stato denominato SSS ovvero Super Slow Sinking. All'atto pratico siamo difronte a un artificiale per lo spinning alla trota davvero unico, in grado di lavorare molto lentamente e in maniera eccellete con la tecnica del dead drift e spingendo all'attacco anche pesci piuttosto apatici. Tutto questo è un grande vantaggio, specialmente a inizio stagione quando l'acqua è molto fredda. Lo si può anche recuperare cin modo lineare ma sicuramente delle delle dolci jerkate seguite da stop sono molto più efficaci. Durante il nuoto mescola un wobble non troppo accentuato a un rollio che gioca sapientemente con i riflessi sui lati del corpo. Perfetto da usare in fiumi di medio e fondo valle su piane, raschi, prismate e buche non eccessivamente profonde. Prede di elezione sono la trota marmorata e la trota fario ma, siamo sicuri possa attrarre grossi cavedani ed aspi. Nonostante sia un'artificiale piuttosto leggero, 10,1gr per 9cm di lunghezza, lo si può lanciare a grandissima distanza grazie al sistema Mag Drive di spostamento interno del peso in tungsteno lungo un’asta inclinata. Come tutti gli artificiali Zipbaits anche il Rigge 90 MN Secret è rifinito in modo estremamente curato con piccoli dettagli e sfumature che ne sottolineano la qualità costruttiva. Infine è armato con due ancorette Owner STX-46 taglia #6. Questo ultimo particolare lo rende adatto anche ad un utilizzo in ambiente salato, specialmente nello spinning alla spigola quando c'è bisogno di artificiali di dimensione contenuta. Logicamente in acqua salata l'assetto cambierà leggermente diventando neutro e forse lievissimamente floating, ma resta decisamente micidiale in zone di foce o di forte corrente di risacca. Masahiro Nishimura’s attention was suspending in the flowing river. Mr Masahiro Nishimura created a secret lure in tough conditions last season, with a handful of the original cherry salmon classic Rigge 90F, many cherry salmon were caught with a (SP) suspending type. Super slow sinking (SSS) was newly created to suspend in flowing rivers without losing the ability of the standard floating version (F), with the casting distance of sinking version (S) and with depth range keeping power. After casting up and across flowing rivers, it’s possible to create a suspending state in the middle of the water column with rod work, with natural drift fishing method it makes it easier to synchronize the lure in the flow. Rigge 90MNSecret Suggested retail price ¥2,000(Tax not included) Size:90mm Weight:10.1g Hook:OWNER STX-45 #6 Split ring:#3 Type:SSS(Super Slow Sinking)</p><table><thead class="pestit"><tr><td>CODE</td><td>MODEL</td><td>Modello</td><td>Colore</td></tr></thead><tbody class="pestxt"><tr><td>27299</td><td>ZIP BAIT RIGGE 90MN SECRET</td><td>90MN</td><td>COL. 050</td></tr><tr><td>27300</td><td>ZIP BAIT RIGGE 90MN SECRET</td><td>90MN</td><td>COL. 810</td></tr><tr><td>27301</td><td>ZIP BAIT RIGGE 90MN SECRET</td><td>90MN</td><td>COL. 840</td></tr><tr><td>27302</td><td>ZIP BAIT RIGGE 90MN SECRET</td><td>90MN</td><td>COL. L-128</td></tr><tr><td>27303</td><td>ZIP BAIT RIGGE 90MN SECRET</td><td>90MN</td><td>COL. L-129</td></tr><tr><td>27298</td><td>ZIP BAIT RIGGE 90MN SECRET</td><td>90MN</td><td>COL. L-134</td></tr></tbody></table>
                      Price €27.00
                      Zip Bait ZIP BAIT RIGGE DEEP 70F

                        ZIP BAIT RIGGE DEEP 70F

                        <p>Zip Baits Rigge is the only model with a unique shape and strong flashing appeal especially designed for trout fishing on rivers or lakes. Wide variations of this model enable you to correspond to many different kinds of fields. Made in Japan Amazing feeling of deep range fishing. Achieves both deep range ability and light sensitive feeling of use. The lip and body are designed to grip water quickly and to dive quickly, after reaching the depth range the excess water flow is released and the drag on the water is reduced. The movement is felt sensitively, even the smallest bites can be felt and hooked, it has become even easier to do reaction targeting with line slack control, and positioning lure in the flow. Rigge Deep 70F Siail price ¥1,650(Tax not included Size:70㎜ Weight:5.0g Hook:#10 Split ring:#1 Type:Floating</p><table><thead class="pestit"><tr><td>CODE</td><td>MODEL</td><td>Modello</td><td>Colore</td></tr></thead><tbody class="pestxt"><tr><td>27328</td><td>ZIP BAIT RIGGE DEEP 70F</td><td>DEEP 70F</td><td>COL. 432</td></tr><tr><td>27329</td><td>ZIP BAIT RIGGE DEEP 70F</td><td>DEEP 70F</td><td>COL. 486</td></tr><tr><td>27330</td><td>ZIP BAIT RIGGE DEEP 70F</td><td>DEEP 70F</td><td>COL. 810</td></tr><tr><td>27331</td><td>ZIP BAIT RIGGE DEEP 70F</td><td>DEEP 70F</td><td>COL. 820</td></tr><tr><td>27332</td><td>ZIP BAIT RIGGE DEEP 70F</td><td>DEEP 70F</td><td>COL. 851</td></tr><tr><td>27333</td><td>ZIP BAIT RIGGE DEEP 70F</td><td>DEEP 70F</td><td>COL. 916</td></tr></tbody></table>
                        Price €22.50
                        Zip Bait ZIP BAIT RIGGE FLAT 80S

                          ZIP BAIT RIGGE FLAT 80S

                          <p>Le esche rigide giapponesi Zipbaits Rigge Flat 80S sono adatte a tutte le specie di predatori di acqua dolce. Puoi usarli per catturare sia persici e trote, sia lucci e lucioperca. L'esca funziona a una profondità di 2 metri. Grazie all'apposito peso raggiunge velocemente la profondità di pesca indicata. Mr. Yuichi Sato produced minnow seeking range keeping power. The relatively lightweight body set at 13.4g ensures an excellent flight distance by the mag drive structure, You can cast and operate with confidence even with your own tackle. By adjusting the air room finely, it is possible to set an exquisite sync rate and make the range finer. In addition, an offset lip that seeks "no diving" and "does not rise" realizes an accurate response in any range. The action that strengthened the wobbling is synergistic with the flat side body even if the moving distance is short, You can appeal with strong flushing. This Ridge Flat 80S closes the gap between angler and cherry salmon. Rigge FLAT80S Size:80mm Weight:13.4g Hook:#6 Split ring:#3 Type:Sinking</p><table><thead class="pestit"><tr><td>CODE</td><td>MODEL</td><td>Modello</td><td>Colore</td></tr></thead><tbody class="pestxt"><tr><td>27292</td><td>ZIP BAIT RIGGE FLAT 80S</td><td>80S</td><td>COL. 050</td></tr><tr><td>27293</td><td>ZIP BAIT RIGGE FLAT 80S</td><td>80S</td><td>COL. 264</td></tr><tr><td>27294</td><td>ZIP BAIT RIGGE FLAT 80S</td><td>80S</td><td>COL. 265</td></tr><tr><td>27295</td><td>ZIP BAIT RIGGE FLAT 80S</td><td>80S</td><td>COL. 810</td></tr><tr><td>27296</td><td>ZIP BAIT RIGGE FLAT 80S</td><td>80S</td><td>COL. 837</td></tr><tr><td>27297</td><td>ZIP BAIT RIGGE FLAT 80S</td><td>80S</td><td>COL. 975</td></tr></tbody></table>
                          Price €25.90
                          Zip Bait ZIP BAIT RIGGE RUNWAY 93SS

                            ZIP BAIT RIGGE RUNWAY 93SS

                            <p>ZIP BAIT RIGGE RUNWAY 93SS For early season fresh run char. Fresh run chars are still not familiar with lures, and their activity is low due to cold water temperatures. We set the aim to target early season cherry salmon. Casting distance is overwhelming because of the slightly larger 93mm size. Reaching its depth at once, it uses its lip to produce a natural and silent action. It also has the ability to quickly respond to rod work and transmit this information from the water. It’s a very strategic minnow to present and entice. Rigge Runway 93SS Size:93㎜ Weight:15.0g Hook:C'ultiva ST46TN #6 Split ring:#3 Type:Slow Sinking</p><table><thead class="pestit"><tr><td>CODE</td><td>MODEL</td><td>Modello</td><td>Colore</td></tr></thead><tbody class="pestxt"><tr><td>27312</td><td>ZIP BAIT RIGGE RUNWAY 93SS</td><td>93SS</td><td>COL. 050</td></tr><tr><td>27310</td><td>ZIP BAIT RIGGE RUNWAY 93SS</td><td>93SS</td><td>COL. 191</td></tr><tr><td>27313</td><td>ZIP BAIT RIGGE RUNWAY 93SS</td><td>93SS</td><td>COL. 218</td></tr><tr><td>27311</td><td>ZIP BAIT RIGGE RUNWAY 93SS</td><td>93SS</td><td>COL. 262</td></tr><tr><td>27314</td><td>ZIP BAIT RIGGE RUNWAY 93SS</td><td>93SS</td><td>COL. 810</td></tr><tr><td>27315</td><td>ZIP BAIT RIGGE RUNWAY 93SS</td><td>93SS</td><td>COL. 851</td></tr></tbody></table>
                            Price €27.00
                            Zip Bait ZIP BAIT RIGGE SLIM 60SS

                              ZIP BAIT RIGGE SLIM 60SS

                              <p>Under pressure, Rigge Slim 60SS has a mysterious power to lure trout. The balance performance is slightly less due to the thin body and length when compared to other lures in the Rigge series that boast an outstanding balance. By performing rod operation softly and using the limit of the balance point, a unique sliding action is exhibited. If this silhouette swims in the flow, trout will see it. Rigge Slim 60ss Size:60㎜ Weight:3.0g Hook:C'ultiva ST11BC #12 Split ring:#1 Type:Slow Sinking</p><table><thead class="pestit"><tr><td>CODE</td><td>MODEL</td><td>Modello</td><td>Colore</td></tr></thead><tbody class="pestxt"><tr><td>27334</td><td>ZIP BAIT RIGGE SLIM 60SS</td><td>60SS</td><td>COL. 011</td></tr><tr><td>27335</td><td>ZIP BAIT RIGGE SLIM 60SS</td><td>60SS</td><td>COL. 223</td></tr><tr><td>27336</td><td>ZIP BAIT RIGGE SLIM 60SS</td><td>60SS</td><td>COL. 317</td></tr><tr><td>27337</td><td>ZIP BAIT RIGGE SLIM 60SS</td><td>60SS</td><td>COL. 432</td></tr><tr><td>27338</td><td>ZIP BAIT RIGGE SLIM 60SS</td><td>60SS</td><td>COL. 486</td></tr><tr><td>27339</td><td>ZIP BAIT RIGGE SLIM 60SS</td><td>60SS</td><td>COL. 810</td></tr></tbody></table>
                              Price €21.00
                              Zip Bait ZIP BAIT TRICK SHAD 70SP

                                ZIP BAIT TRICK SHAD 70SP

                                <p>ZIP BAIT TRICK SHAD 70SP A tricky tight action that invites bass when the going is tough. Trick Shad is for mid-range capture, panic dart and flashing that makes it look agitated with only light rod work. Tight rod action enables you to produce a tricky panic action without covering much ground, it’s the best performance for catching weary spring and autumn bass, powerful for when the going is tough. Aim for kickers and when you want to use in tight structure, please use with bait cast tackle. TrickShab 70SP Size:70㎜ Weight:7.8g Hook:#8 Split ring:#1 Type:Suspending</p><table><thead class="pestit"><tr><td>CODE</td><td>MODEL</td><td>Modello</td><td>Colore</td></tr></thead><tbody class="pestxt"><tr><td>27451</td><td>ZIP BAIT TRICK SHAD 70SP</td><td>70SP</td><td>COL. 018</td></tr><tr><td>27452</td><td>ZIP BAIT TRICK SHAD 70SP</td><td>70SP</td><td>COL. 509</td></tr><tr><td>27453</td><td>ZIP BAIT TRICK SHAD 70SP</td><td>70SP</td><td>COL. 817</td></tr></tbody></table>
                                Price €21.90