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Tubertini Performer XS|Catfish & Sturgeon Rods
  • Tubertini Performer XS|Catfish & Sturgeon Rods

Tubertini Performer XS

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Tubertini Performer XS


Le Performer XS sono costruite impiegando materiali di carbonio ad altissimo allungamento rinforzato con doppia spirale in carbonio. Sono attrezzi che per potenza e capacità di lancio sono adatti alla pesca a surf casting e la pesca di grossi pesci in fiume o lago. Montano un portamulinello a vite per assicurare mulinelli anche di grandi dimensioni e robusti anelli a doppio ponte con pietra SiC. Il tappo posteriore è tondo per il massimo dell'ergonomia in fase di combattimento. The Performers XS are built using very high elongation carbon materials reinforced with a double carbon spiral. They are tools that for power and casting capacity are suitable for surf casting fishing and big fish fishing in rivers or lakes. They have a screw reel seat to secure even large reels and sturdy double bridge rings with SiC stone. The rear cap is round for maximum ergonomics in combat.

06388XXPerformer XS Mt.3,90 gr.100-2003,90 m352 g4120 cm100-200 gr
06389XXPerformer XS Mt.4,20 gr.100-2004,20 m515 g4130 cm100-200 gr
06390XXPerformer XS Mt.4,50 gr.100-2004,50 m540 g4135 cm100-200 gr
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