La Flash Fiber F-2 della Decoy è una fibra sintetica multiuso. Infatti, potrà essere utilizzata per la preparazione di assist hook, per aggiungere brillantezza a jigs e spinner bait da Bass Fishing, per l'ancoretta di coda delle esche artificiali e molto altro ancora. Molto facili da utilizzare, vengono prodotti in diverse colorazioni a seconda delle proprie esigenze. Flash Fiber is a tuning material that can be used for one point of original rubber jigs, treble tunes, tunes such as worms, and decorations.ProductinformationFlash Fiber is a tuning material that can be used for one point of original rubber jigs, treble tunes, tunes such as worms, and decorations. The lineup includes a thread type that appeals with glitter like glitter and a flat type that appeals with flashing changes caused by flash. ● "Thread type" creates a glittery look with glitter. ● "Flat type" appeals with a flash effect by reflection. ● Supports various tunings such as rubber jig one point, treble hook tune, and assist hook decoration. ● A colour lineup that will surely lead to a better fishing result.
Codice | Modello | Misura |
18668 | DECOY F-I FII FLASH FIBER 30CM. | COL. 01 |
18669 | DECOY F-I FII FLASH FIBER 30CM. | COL. 02 |
18670 | DECOY F-I FII FLASH FIBER 30CM. | COL. 03 |
18671 | DECOY F-I FII FLASH FIBER 30CM. | COL. 04 |
18672 | DECOY F-I FII FLASH FIBER 30CM. | COL. 05 |
18673 | DECOY F-I FII FLASH FIBER 30CM. | COL. 21 |
18674 | DECOY F-I FII FLASH FIBER 30CM. | COL. 22 |
18675 | DECOY F-I FII FLASH FIBER 30CM. | COL. 23 |
18676 | DECOY F-I FII FLASH FIBER 30CM. | COL. 24 |
18677 | DECOY F-I FII FLASH FIBER 30CM. | COL. 25 |