Ocean’s Legacy Origin Slow Jigging|Light Jigging & Slow Pitching
    • Ocean’s Legacy Origin Slow Jigging|Light Jigging & Slow Pitching
    • Ocean’s Legacy Origin Slow Jigging|Light Jigging & Slow Pitching
    • Ocean’s Legacy Origin Slow Jigging|Light Jigging & Slow Pitching
    • Ocean’s Legacy Origin Slow Jigging|Light Jigging & Slow Pitching
    • Ocean’s Legacy Origin Slow Jigging|Light Jigging & Slow Pitching

    Ocean’s Legacy Origin Slow Jigging

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    Ocean’s Legacy Origin Slow Jigging


    Origin – Slow Jigging The Ocean’s Legacy Origin Slow Jigging series draws inspiration from true “Japanese style” slow pitch rods while possessing the bottom end power to tame even the angriest of fish! Through years of development the perfect composition was established resulting in an insanely responsive blank that is capable of detecting the most subtle of strikes while also boasting the ability to impart flawless jig action with minimal effort from the angler. The Origin Slow Jigging range is constructed of the finest Japanese Fuji components to ensure you are served with nothing but top tier performance. No matter whether you are new to the realms of slow pitch jigging or are a seasoned jigger of the high seas the Origin Slow Jigging will aid you in tempting even the most finicky of fish to strike!

    Spinning model Ocean’s Legacy Origin Spin Jigger was developed from years of field testing to bring you an extremely light weight finesse style jigging rod that is not only super sensitive and responsive but also has the grunt to endure the battles of serious sports fish. These rods empower the angler with not only the ability to manipulate metal jigs with ease but also to detect the most subtle strikes from finnicky predators especially in high pressured waters. Despite the extreme sensitivity and finesse properties that the blank possesses it also holds the power to stop hard fighting sportfish. The Origin Spin Jigger series is constructed with only the finest Japanese Fuji components so that the only thing on your mind is landing that fish of a lifetime!

    ORSJ-B631MOcean’s Legacy Origin Slow JiggingCasting6’3″PE 1.2 – 3.0150-350g1Fuji 20 DPSFuji S/S KW Alconite
    ORSJ-B641LOcean’s Legacy Origin Slow JiggingCasting6’4″PE 0.8 – 2.060g-160g1Fuji 20 DPSFuji S/S KW Alconite
    ORSJ-B641MLOcean’s Legacy Origin Slow JiggingCasting6’4″PE 1.0 – 2.5100g-250g1Fuji 20 DPSFuji S/S KW Alconite
    ORSS-S631MLOcean’s Legacy Origin Slow JiggingSpinning6’3″PE 1.0 – 2.580g-200g1Fuji 20 DPSFuji S/S KW Alconite
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