Nories HIRA CRANK GILL S-BILL Floating. Community bus direction travel distance to a suspended vertically and feed that can be hilacrankgil. Size-up version of the hilacrankgil S Bldg 110 SS, became very popular from its unique experience and proven ' S building 140 F . Fluttering performance to the left or right while twitch and Desi rolled tightly and moving water is its visual strength and water and can attract more distant fish. S building 140 F of when far distance and the water cover and fish out when water or muddy touch than usual. It is can be used whenever the crucian, Bluegill bait and will, of course, has been large and highly active state is used in the sense of the 110 size determine the size. The lure of the normal relative to the I-shaped swims in cold water, and et is S in the inlet around high speed retrieve & twitch, can produce a movement of building. Unique extreamerformbody involving water while fishing as quality in plastic body guard would like the big fish tat also allows use to the mouth.
Le Swim di casa Nories sono esche artificiali che si distinguono per il nuoto ad S molto pronunciato anche con recuperi lenti e non particolarmente complessi da utilizzare. La coda in materiale plastico e lo snodo centrale molto marcato dona a questa Big Bait un movimento sinuoso molto adescante sia per il Black Bass che per il Luccio. La paletta rende la swim un'esca spinning ibrida tra una Swim bait e un Crank bait senza rattling quindi silent
Codice | Modello | Dimensione | Colore |
12435 | NORIES HIRA CRANK GILL S-BILL | 110SS / 30gr | COL. HR 05 |
12437 | NORIES HIRA CRANK GILL S-BILL | 110SS / 30gr | COL. HR 07 |
12438 | NORIES HIRA CRANK GILL S-BILL | 110SS / 30gr | COL. HR 08 |
12439 | NORIES HIRA CRANK GILL S-BILL | 110SS / 30gr | COL. HR 09 |
12773 | NORIES HIRA CRANK GILL S-BILL | 140SS / 40gr | COL. HR 03 |
12774 | NORIES HIRA CRANK GILL S-BILL | 140SS / 40gr | COL. HR 05 |
12775 | NORIES HIRA CRANK GILL S-BILL | 140SS / 40gr | COL. HR 07 |
12779 | NORIES HIRA CRANK GILL S-BILL | 140SS / 40gr | COL. HR 11 |