<p>Robust snug fishing pliers with a high degree of accuracy Fishing pliers that can not be longer essential in lure fishing. Tip is useful for mounting the split ring to the hook of the exchange and line the eye with split ring opener function. Shape is intuitively easy-to-use simple straight. The material is salt water corresponding durable stainless steel. It of course is use as a split ring opener, is an item that can be used from the mouth of the fish or remove the hook, high-intensity work such as high-precision crush the barb, a multi-in fishing scene at a manageable size. Please be sure to wash with fresh water after use of seawater for a long time maintain the original performance. Please Lubricate the anti-rust lubricant regularly to the fulcrum portion.</p> <table><thead class="pestit"><tr><td>Codice</td> <td>MODELLO</td> <td>DIMENSIONE</td> <td>LUNGHEZZA</td> <td>RING</td> </tr></thead><tbody class="pestxt"><tr><td>21573</td> <td>PALMS PA-SP/L5-8 PLIER FOR SW OFFSHORE GAME</td> <td>L size</td> <td>A total length of 190mm</td> <td>Corresponding ring: # 5-8</td> </tr></tbody></table>
Price €49.00