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Seat Boxes

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Seat Boxes

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    <p>Ricavato dal paniere Raptor, il paniere denominato STEEL si differenzia da una accattivante finitura cromatica e di rottura rispetto ai soliti canoni. La pedana ricavata da una lastra di alluminio Peraluman tagliata al laser e piegata con una geometria che la rende particolarmente rigida è adatta a formare la pedana poggiapiedi. Altra particolare differenza dal Raptor è il modulo in ABS a due cassetti verniciato a liquido che lo rende perfetto per la cromatica di questo eccezionale paniere. Lo STEEL monta un particolare cuscino sempre ricavato in Memory Foam, ma con una finitura superiore nera con effetto alcantara che al tatto rilascia una piacevole sensazione. Obtained from the Raptor, the seat box called “STEEL” has a captivating chromatic finish, totally different from the usual canons. The platform obtained from a Peraluman aluminum plate, is laser cut and folded with a geometry that makes it particularly rigid, suitable for forming the footrest. Another particular difference from the Raptor is the liquid-painted two-drawer module in ABS which makes it perfect for the color of this exceptional seat box. The STEEL features a particular cushion, also made of Memory Foam, but with a black upper finish with an alcantara effect that releases a pleasant sensation to the touch</p>
    Price €1,230.00


      <p>MADE IN ITALY New concept higher quality seat box, no more a single block welded frame but a lower portion one including the foot board and upper part supporting the unit system. A special nylon truss has been designed and manufactured, it slides orthogonally on a semi spherical aluminum outline. Inside this there is a locking system adjusting the vertical regulation of the unit system, allowing a 40 mm regulation of the height and will avoid the addition of extra units to increase the height of the seat and the increase of the weight of the seat box. The Bomber is a product projected and manufactured with he highest care for details and developed for high demanding anglers asking for the highest quality products on the market. The foot board has been widened of 60 mm and equipped by six no-slid inserts, it has been laser cut to remove waste materials and keep the weight down.The unit system is made of super strong ABS and features a double front drawers. Lots of care has been taken in manufacturing and developing the new cushion seat, resulting in the highest comfort during the fishing action; made of memory foam soft material and shaped to all body size and shape.</p> <table><thead class="pestit"><tr><td>Modello</td> <td>Peso</td> <td>Dimensioni</td> </tr></thead><tbody class="pestxt"><tr><td>MK4 SEATBOX BOMBER</td> <td>14 Kg</td> <td>70x54</td> </tr></tbody></table>
      Price €1,100.00


        <p>MADE IN ITALY New aerospace grade aluminium seat box, finished trough a special cataphoresis powder coating process that will result in avery strong and sctracth proof surface. This seat box is perfectly suitable to all fishing techniques, developed on the aero-z frame concept., Equipped by the new concept seat cushion, the seat is made of a first soft-gel injection followed by a second memory foam one between the first one and the outer shell resulting in a high reaction seat cushion. Other features of the new mustang seat box are the 4 cms high under units compartment and the new no-slip lasercut 6 slots footboard. Equipped by 4 telescopic 36 mm legs and 30 mm inner sliding legs. Main feature of this seat box is the extreme strongness despite the very low weight.</p> <table><thead class="pestit"><tr><td>Modello</td> <td>Peso</td> <td>Dimensioni</td> </tr></thead><tbody class="pestxt"><tr><td>MK4 SEATBOX MUSTANG BIANCO</td> <td>14 Kg</td> <td>70x54</td> </tr></tbody></table>
        Price €940.00


          <p>MADE IN ITALY New aerospace grade aluminium seat box, finished trough a special cataphoresis powder coating process that will result in avery strong and sctracth proof surface. This seat box is perfectly suitable to all fishing techniques, developed on the aero-z frame concept., Equipped by the new concept seat cushion, the seat is made of a first soft-gel injection followed by a second memory foam one between the first one and the outer shell resulting in a high reaction seat cushion. Other features of the new mustang seat box are the 4 cms high under units compartment and the new no-slip lasercut 6 slots footboard. Equipped by 4 telescopic 36 mm legs and 30 mm inner sliding legs. Main feature of this seat box is the extreme strongness despite the very low weight.</p> <table><thead class="pestit"><tr><td>Modello</td> <td>Peso</td> <td>Dimensioni</td> </tr></thead><tbody class="pestxt"><tr><td>MK4 SEATBOX MUSTANG BLACK</td> <td>14 Kg</td> <td>70x54</td> </tr></tbody></table>
          Price €940.00
          Seat Boxes MK4 SEATBOX MUSTANG GREY


            <p>MADE IN ITALY New aerospace grade aluminium seat box, finished trough a special cataphoresis powder coating process that will result in avery strong and sctracth proof surface. This seat box is perfectly suitable to all fishing techniques, developed on the aero-z frame concept., Equipped by the new concept seat cushion, the seat is made of a first soft-gel injection followed by a second memory foam one between the first one and the outer shell resulting in a high reaction seat cushion. Other features of the new mustang seat box are the 4 cms high under units compartment and the new no-slip lasercut 6 slots footboard. Equipped by 4 telescopic 36 mm legs and 30 mm inner sliding legs. Main feature of this seat box is the extreme strongness despite the very low weight.</p> <table><thead class="pestit"><tr><td>Modello</td> <td>Peso</td> <td>Dimensioni</td> </tr></thead><tbody class="pestxt"><tr><td>MK4 SEATBOX MUSTANG GREY</td> <td>14 Kg</td> <td>70x54</td> </tr></tbody></table>
            Price €940.00
            Seat Boxes MK4 SEATBOX SHELBY

              MK4 SEATBOX SHELBY

              <p>MADE IN ITALY New concept top of the range seat box, no more a single block welded frame but a lower portion one including the foot board and upper part supporting the unit system. A special nylon truss has been designed and manufactured, it slides orthogonally on a semi spherical aluminum outline. Inside this there is a locking system adjusting the vertical regulation of the unit system, allowing a 40 mm regulation of the height and will avoid the addition of extra units to increase the height of the seat and the increase of the weight of the seat box. The Shelby is a product projected and manufactured with he highest care for details and developed for high demanding anglers asking for the highest quality products on the market. The foot board has been widened of 60 mm and equipped by six no-slid inserts, it has been laser cut to remove waste materials and keep the weight down.The unit system is composed by a small front drawer for small accessories and a wider upper side drawer opening on both side of the seat. Lots of care has been taken in manufacturing and developing the new cushion seat, resulting in the highest comfort during the fishing action; made of memory foam soft material and shaped to all body size and shape.</p> <table><thead class="pestit"><tr><td>Modello</td> <td>Peso</td> <td>Dimensioni</td> </tr></thead><tbody class="pestxt"><tr><td>MK4 SEATBOX SHELBY</td> <td>14 Kg</td> <td>70x54</td> </tr></tbody></table>
              Price €1,335.00
              Seat Boxes SELE SEDIA CON BORSA MIMETICA


                <p>Sedia richiudibile mimetica, fornita con borsa porta accessori. Struttura in alluminio ed elementi in stoffa. Dimensioni: 30 X 38 X 59 CM</p><table><thead class="pestit"><tr><td>Codice</td><td>Modello</td><td>Misura CM</td></tr></thead><tbody class="pestxt"><tr><td>350110 </td><td>SELE SEDIA CON BORSA MIMETICA</td><td>30X38X59 CM</td></tr></tbody></table>
                Price €30.00
                Seat Boxes SELE SEDIA CON BRACCIOLI

                  SELE SEDIA CON BRACCIOLI

                  <p>Sedia richiudibile, con braccioli. Struttura in alluminio ed elementi in polyestere. Dimensioni: 80 X 60 X 92 CM</p><table><thead class="pestit"><tr><td>Codice</td><td>Modello</td><td>Misura CM</td></tr></thead><tbody class="pestxt"><tr><td>670001</td><td>SELE SEDIA CON BRACCIOLI</td><td>80 X 60 X 92 CM</td></tr></tbody></table>
                  Price €35.00
                  Seat Boxes SELE SEDIA CON REGGICANNA

                    SELE SEDIA CON REGGICANNA

                    <p>Sedia richiudibile, con braccioli. Struttura in alluminio ed elementi in stoffa. In dotazine reggicanna Dimensioni: 60 X 50 X 86 CM</p><table><thead class="pestit"><tr><td>Codice</td><td>Modello</td><td>Misura CM</td></tr></thead><tbody class="pestxt"><tr><td>670002</td><td>SELE SEDIA CON REGGICANNA</td><td>60 X 50 X 86 CM</td></tr></tbody></table>
                    Price €59.00
                    Seat Boxes SELE SEDIA MARE

                      SELE SEDIA MARE

                      <p>Sedia richiudibile. Struttura in alluminio ed elementi in polyestere. Dimensioni: 48 X 48 X 88 CM</p><table><thead class="pestit"><tr><td>Codice</td><td>Modello</td><td>Misura CM</td></tr></thead><tbody class="pestxt"><tr><td>670003</td><td>SELE SEDIA MARE</td><td>48X48X88 CM</td></tr></tbody></table>
                      Price €30.00
                      Seat Boxes TUBERTINI HEXA PLATFORM 36

                        TUBERTINI HEXA PLATFORM 36

                        <p>Hexa Platform Nuova piattaforma pieghevole per il posizionamento dei panieri da competizione. Molto leggera, interamente realizzata in alluminio, la nuova Hexa Platform risulta molto stabile grazie alle gambe di 36mm di diametro ed ai nuovi piedi HX in acciaio inox sagomati che si adattano ad ogni terreno ed offrono una grande tenuta allo scivolamento. Quando aperta, la piattaforma, lascia libero uno spazio centrale che agevola il piazzamento, molto pratico e veloce grazie ai blocchi di serraggio con nuovi pomelli ergonomici di grande diametro ed alle livelle che consentono un posizionamento “a bolla”. La zona di alloggiamento del paniere, grazie al profilo in rilievo antiscivolo, garantisce un’ottima stabilità del paniere. In dotazione due gambe fisse posteriori e due gambe telescopiche lunghe per il posizionamento della parte anteriore. 90X94cm</p><table><thead class="pestit"><tr><td>CODE</td><td></td></tr></thead><tbody class="pestxt"><tr><td>82378XX</td><td>HEXA PLATFORM 36 </td></tr></tbody></table>
                        Price €359.00
                        Seat Boxes TUBERTINI PANIERE HX 100

                          TUBERTINI PANIERE HX 100

                          <p>HX100 Paniere da competizione con telaio tubolare molto leggero e stabile. Come gli altri panieri della gamma HX è dotato di gambe da 36mm, 4 telescopiche e due fisse con boccole filettate ed una con boccola porta ombrellone. Più contenuto come ingombro rispetto ai modelli HX500 e HX300, ha una pedana appoggia piedi in profilo di alluminio. Dotato di un modulo con cassetto laterale. Un prodotto eccellente per chi desidera compattezza e leggerezza senza rinunciare alla solidità ed alla stabilità. Su questo telaio possono essere utilizzati i kit trolley della serie HX. 13,70 kg Competition seatbox with very light and stable tubular frame. Like the other seatbox in the HX range, it is equipped with 36mm legs, 4 telescopic and two fixed with threaded bushings and one with umbrella holder bush. It has a smaller footprint than the HX500 and HX300 models and has an aluminum profile footrest. Equipped with a module with side drawer. An excellent product for those who want compactness and lightness without sacrificing solidity and stability. The trolley kits of the HX series can be used on this frame DIMENSIONI 760x720 cm</p> <table><thead class="pestit"><tr><td>CODE</td> <td></td> </tr></thead><tbody class="pestxt"><tr><td>82143XX</td> <td>PANIERE HX 100</td> </tr></tbody></table>
                          Price €495.00
                          Seat Boxes TUBERTINI PANIERE HX 300

                            TUBERTINI PANIERE HX 300

                            <p>HX300 Paniere da competizione con telaio minimale, che combina resistenza e stabilità a leggerezza. Sul telaio sono montate due bolle laterali rotonde che consentono un facile posizionamento del paniere. Le sei gambe da 36mm sono dotate di nuovi piedi in materiale plastico molto performanti come grip a terra ma allo stesso tempo leggeri. Le gambe in dotazione sono 4 telescopiche e due fisse, dotate di nuove manopole gommate e boccola filettata per il fissaggio degli accessori e protette da tappi in plastica a vite. Una gamba fissa posteriore è dotata di boccola porta ombrellone. Dotato di modulo a due cassetti frontali, pedana antiscivolo Tubertini e spallaccio imbottito. Su questo telaio possono essere utilizzati i kit trolley della serie HX. Competition seatbox with minimal frame, which combines strength and stability with lightness. Two round side bubbles are mounted on the frame that allow easy positioning of the basket. The six 36mm legs are equipped with new plastic feet that are very performing as a grip on the ground but at the same time light. The legs supplied are 4 telescopic and two fixed, equipped with new rubberized knobs and threaded bushing for fixing the accessories and protected by plastic screw caps. A fixed rear leg is equipped with an umbrella holder bush. Equipped with a module with two front drawers, Tubertini non-slip footboard and padded shoulder strap. The trolley kits of the HX series can be used on this frame.</p><table><thead class="pestit"><tr><td>CODE</td><td></td></tr></thead><tbody class="pestxt"><tr><td>82138XX</td><td>PANIERE HX 300 </td></tr></tbody></table>
                            Price €999.00
                            Seat Boxes TUBERTINI PANIERE HX 500

                              TUBERTINI PANIERE HX 500

                              <p>HX500 Paniere da competizione con telaio minimale, che combina resistenza e stabilità a leggerezza. Sul telaio sono montate due bolle laterali rotonde che consentono un facile posizionamento del paniere. Le sei gambe da 36mm sono dotate dei piedi HEXA in acciaio inox che non hanno eguali in termine di grip su qualsisi terreno. Le gambe in dotazione sono 4 telescopiche e due fisse, dotate di nuove manopole gommate e boccola filettata per il fissaggio degli accessori e protette da tappi in plastica a vite. Una gamba fissa posteriore è dotata di boccola porta ombrellone. Dotato del nuovo modulo a tre cassetti frontali, due bassi sovrapposti per minuterie poco ingombranti ed uno profondo per riporre ogni tipo di accessorio. Il telaio è chiuso nella parte inferiore da una lamiera di protezione impreziosita dalla grafica HX500. Su questo telaio possono essere utilizzati i kit trolley della serie HX. Competition seatbox with minimal frame, which combines strength and stability with lightness. Two round side bubbles are mounted on the frame that allow easy positioning of the basket. The six 36mm legs are equipped with HEXA stainless steel feet that have no equal in terms of grip on any terrain. The legs supplied are 4 telescopic and two fixed, equipped with new rubberized knobs and threaded bushing for fixing the accessories and protected by plastic screw caps. A fixed rear leg is equipped with an umbrella holder bush. Equipped with the new module with three front drawers, two overlapping low ones for small parts and a deep one for storing any type of accessory. The frame is closed in the lower part by a protective sheet embellished with the HX500 graphics. The trolley kits of the HX series can be used on this frame. 16,5 Kg dimension 790x801</p><table><thead class="pestit"><tr><td>CODE</td><td></td></tr></thead><tbody class="pestxt"><tr><td>82139XX</td><td>PANIERE HX 500 </td></tr></tbody></table>
                              Price €955.00
                              Seat Boxes Tubertini Paniere T-Mx 01

                                Tubertini Paniere T-Mx 01

                                <p>Paniere trasportabile molto facilmente grazie al peso ridotto, con gambe regolabili di diametro 25mm ottimo per essere utilizzato in svariate situazioni di pesca, sia in acque dolci che in mare da scogliere o moli. Dotato di un modulo seduta sotto al quale possono essere riposte lenze o minuterie e di un vano-borsa con apertura a zip frontale, realizzato in materiale impermeabile molto facile da pulire. In questo vano possono essere riposte sia scatole porta minuterie che accessori vari ed è accessibile senza aprire la seduta. Il Paniere è dotato di appoggiacanne laterale ed è possibile personalizzarlo con moduli aggiuntivi opzionali. PESO 5 KG</p><table><thead class="pestit"><tr><td>codice</td><td>Nome del prodotto</td><td>MISURA</td></tr></thead><tbody class="pestxt"><tr><td>82397XX</td><td>Paniere T-Mx 01 </td><td>68x47x30 cm</td></tr></tbody></table>
                                Price €173.00