Nories Rice 22 ha il corpo incurvato e si caratterizza per una paletta di forma molto squadrata, grande e molto inclinata. Grazie a queste soluzioni è estremamente dinamico anche con recuperi molto lenti. Indispensabile in gara anche su trote apatiche. Realizzato con particolare cura dei dettagli su ogni singolo pezzo. Profondità di nuoto: Circa 20cm Privo di rattle (Silent) Dotato di ami singoli senza ardiglione. Lunghezza 22mm peso 1 grammo
It is common in area trout fishing that fish only show interest in aquatic insects that emerge from the water surface. However, when this happens, the difficulty of catching them rises to the highest level. The feeding area crank "Rice" was born to catch trout that have stopped paying attention to such lures. Its feature is that it can induce a bite with a short retrieve distance from the time it hits the water. The light landing sound that trout likes attracts the trout's interest from the moment it hits the water. When you start retrieving, it will act quickly even at a super dead slow speed about 20 cm from just below the water surface, where existing lures would stop. In addition, it has a two-hook design that can handle shallow bites. I want to steadily accumulate catches even in the most difficult situations where my rivals are doing nothing. I am confident that this product will be used by competitors who will maintain an aggressive attitude until the end.
Codice | Modello | COLORE | Lunghezza | Peso |
11252 | NORIES RICE 22 | COL. 109 | 2,2 cm | 1,0 gr |
14757 | NORIES RICE 22 | COL. 127M | 2,2 cm | 1,0 gr |
11253 | NORIES RICE 22 | COL. 270 | 2,2 cm | 1,0 gr |
11254 | NORIES RICE 22 | COL. 289 | 2,2 cm | 1,0 gr |
11255 | NORIES RICE 22 | COL. 290 | 2,2 cm | 1,0 gr |
11256 | NORIES RICE 22 | COL. 291 | 2,2 cm | 1,0 gr |
11257 | NORIES RICE 22 | COL. 292 | 2,2 cm | 1,0 gr |
11259 | NORIES RICE 22 | COL. 294 | 2,2 cm | 1,0 gr |
11261 | NORIES RICE 22 | COL. 296 | 2,2 cm | 1,0 gr |
12400 | NORIES RICE 22 | COL. 314 | 2,2 cm | 1,0 gr |
12401 | NORIES RICE 22 | COL. 315 | 2,2 cm | 1,0 gr |
12402 | NORIES RICE 22 | COL. 316 | 2,2 cm | 1,0 gr |
12403 | NORIES RICE 22 | COL. 317 | 2,2 cm | 1,0 gr |
12404 | NORIES RICE 22 | COL. 318 | 2,2 cm | 1,0 gr |
12405 | NORIES RICE 22 | COL. 319 | 2,2 cm | 1,0 gr |
12406 | NORIES RICE 22 | COL. 320 | 2,2 cm | 1,0 gr |
12407 | NORIES RICE 22 | COL. 321 | 2,2 cm | 1,0 gr |
14752 | NORIES RICE 22 | COL. 341M | 2,2 cm | 1,0 gr |
14753 | NORIES RICE 22 | COL. 342M | 2,2 cm | 1,0 gr |
14754 | NORIES RICE 22 | COL. 343M | 2,2 cm | 1,0 gr |
14755 | NORIES RICE 22 | COL. 344M | 2,2 cm | 1,0 gr |
14756 | NORIES RICE 22 | COL. 345 | 2,2 cm | 1,0 gr |
14758 | NORIES RICE 22 | COL. 347M | 2,2 cm | 1,0 gr |
14759 | NORIES RICE 22 | COL. 348 | 2,2 cm | 1,0 gr |
16592 | NORIES RICE 22 | COL. 349M | 2,2 cm | 1,0 gr |