Travel Spinning Rods

Travel Spinning Rods

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Travel Spinning Rods ALCEDO RAMBLER
  • New


<p>La canna da pesca Alcedo Rambler è una pratica soluzione in 4 pezzi, perfetta come canna da viaggio o per essere tenuta sempre a portata di mano, sia in auto che in borsa! Versatile e adatta allo spinning medio e medio-pesante, è ideale sia per il mare che per l’acqua dolce. Realizzata in fibra di carbonio 24T, offre una grande reattività, resistenza e performance. Con un rapporto qualità-prezzo eccellente, questa canna è dotata di anelli anti-groviglio K frame e di una comoda impugnatura in EVA ad alta densità. Inclusa una pratica custodia per un trasporto sicuro.</p><table><thead class="pestit"><tr><td>Code</td><td>Lunghezza</td><td>Potenza gr</td><td>Sezioni</td></tr></thead><tbody class="pestxt"><tr><td>90000124</td><td>2.40</td><td>12-40</td><td>4</td></tr></tbody></table>
Price €55.00
  • New


<p>ALCEDO TRAVELLER TELE SPIN serie da viaggio è composta da grezzi telescopici in 5 sezioni, il che li rende molto comodi da trasportare, pur mantenendo una buona azione della canna, simile a quella di una normale canna a 2 sezioni. Queste canne da spinning possono essere utilizzate in diverse situazioni, adatte a tutti i tipi di esche e tecniche. Sono rifinite con un moderno portamulinello ergonomico, leggero e sensibile, e dotate di anelli antigroviglio, oltre a un robusto fodero per il trasporto. • Robusto e leggero grezzo in carbonio • Design sottile con azione fast • Guide LTS SIC in acciaio inox • Portamulinello dal design ergonomico e leggero • Fodero robusto per il trasporto</p><table><thead class="pestit"><tr><td>Code</td><td>Lunghezza</td><td>Potenza gr</td><td>Sezioni</td></tr></thead><tbody class="pestxt"><tr><td>90000020</td><td>2.05</td><td>5-20</td><td>4</td></tr><tr><td>90000024</td><td>2.40</td><td>7-28</td><td>4</td></tr></tbody></table>
Price €49.90
Travel Spinning Rods Artico CARBON CLEANER
  • -40%


<p>Un prodotto innovativo sotto certi aspetti miracoloso che riesce a rigenerare il carbonio dele vostre canne da pesca facendovele tronare come nuove. Carbon Cleaner è un r<span>igenerante molecolare per carbonio verniciato </span><span>e grezzo. Utilizzabile su qualsiasi tipo di canna,</span></p> <p><span>- C</span><span>rea una barriera di pochi micron che rende </span><span>le superfici idrorepellenti e liscie.<br /></span><span>- Protegge </span><span>dall’usura e dai raggi solari, dona brillantezza, </span><span>semplifica la pulizia e riduce gli attriti. <br /></span><span>- Elimina i graffi ricompattando le fibre di carbonio <br /></span><span>- Lucida la superficie lasciandovi sopra una patina protettiva che protegge il carbonio dalle impurità<br /></span><span>- Evita che le sezioni si blocchino<br /></span><span>- Protegge dai raggi solari impedendo l'ivecchiamento e la scoloritura della fibra </span></p>
Price €36.30 -40% Regular price €60.50
Travel Spinning Rods ARTICO MINITROTA


    <p>Una canna ad ingombro ridotto sviluppata per la pesca in torrente. La più piccola leggera e performante presente sul mercato. Disponibile in sei differeti lunghezze, la minitrota è stata sviluppata utilizzando le tecnologie delle canne da competizione Artico e poi prodotta in miniatura proprio per quei pescatori che necessitano di un attrezzo di elevatissimo livello tecnico ma dall'ingombro ridotto. Per fare un esempio il modello da 5 metri è composto da 12 elementi, la canna nuda (senza anelli) pesa 290 grammi, l'ingombro montata è di circa cm.70 e normalmente viene montata con 5 blocchi. <span> </span></p> <div>Carbonio =</div>
    Price €190.00
    Travel Spinning Rods Favorite Blue Bird Compact

      Favorite Blue Bird Compact

      <h2 style="font-family:Poppins, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;font-weight:400;line-height:48px;color:#333333;margin-top:20px;margin-bottom:10px;font-size:38px;background-color:#ffffff;">Favorite Blue Bird Compact</h2> <p style="margin:0px 0px 20px;color:#333333;font-family:'Open Sans', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;font-size:14px;background-color:#ffffff;">La versione da viaggio della Favorite Blue Bird, un modello di canna amato da tutti. Perfetta per il light game e lo street fishing. A differenza della versione precedente, la nuova Blue Bird Compact è dotata di una vetta tubolare che consente di lavorare con esche artificiali di piccole dimensioni.</p> <p style="margin:0px 0px 20px;color:#333333;font-family:'Open Sans', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;font-size:14px;background-color:#ffffff;">La versione compact ha tutte le caratteristiche della classica Blue Bird in due pezzi, ma si adatta facilmente in una custodia di soli 63 cm di lunghezza. La nuova Favorite Blue Bird è un concentrato di tecnologia, design ad un prezzo incredibile!    Fino a qualche anno fa gli attrezzi specifici per le tecniche ultra light, sia che si trattasse di utilizzo in Freshwater che di utilizzo in Saltwater, erano alla portata di pochi appassionati trattandosi quali unicamente di prodotti di fascia molto alta. A volte un paradosso a confronto del tipo di pesca…</p> <p style="margin:0px 0px 20px;color:#333333;font-family:'Open Sans', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;font-size:14px;background-color:#ffffff;">Con la gamma Blue Bird questo ostacolo viene ora superato. Queste canne, nonostante l’incredibile rapporto qualità/prezzo, non sono mai un compromesso ma una serie di attrezzi tecnici; progettati specificatamente per impieghi light, ma con una particolare attenzione al budget di spesa.</p> <p style="margin:0px 0px 20px;color:#333333;font-family:'Open Sans', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;font-size:14px;background-color:#ffffff;">Il fusto è realizzato in carbonio 30 Ton lavorato con la nuova tecnologia Sky Flex che combina differenti strati di carbonio di vari moduli, intrecciati in varie direzioni per arrivare alla perfetta combinazione tra sensibilità d’azione, massima durabilità e minor peso.</p> <p style="margin:0px 0px 20px;color:#333333;font-family:'Open Sans', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;font-size:14px;background-color:#ffffff;">Look molto moderno, con impugnatura divisa in EVA ad alta densità, anelli L-Ti guides con inserto interno ultra sottile in Titan Oxide incastonato in un’armatura ultraleggera in acciaio, cima tubular riportata e sensibile.</p> <p style="margin:0px 0px 20px;color:#333333;font-family:'Open Sans', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;font-size:14px;background-color:#ffffff;">Un prodotto essenziale per chi vuole essere sempre pronto all’azione anche n quei viaggi che non sono necessariamente improntati alla sola pesca; gite in montagna e laghi alpini, vacanze al mare dove un momento per la pesca può diventare un ricordo per tutta la famiglia.</p> <p style="margin:0px 0px 20px;color:#333333;font-family:'Open Sans', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;font-size:14px;background-color:#ffffff;">Una canna che si nasconde facilmente negli scomparti dell’auto per chi viaggia molto ed esplora nuove acque. Insomma un prodotto per il vero appassionato che non vuol farsi sfuggire nessuna occasione di cattura.</p> <table cellspacing="0" border="0"><colgroup width="314"></colgroup><colgroup width="755"></colgroup> <tbody> <tr> <td height="30" align="left" valign="bottom"><span style="font-family:Arial;">FABB1764000UL</span></td> <td align="left" valign="bottom"><span style="color:#000000;">BLUE BIRD COMPACT BB1-764UL-T 2.30m 1-7g Fast - NEW</span></td> </tr> <tr> <td height="30" align="left" valign="top"><span style="font-family:Arial;">FABB18040000L</span></td> <td align="left" valign="top"><span style="color:#000000;">BLUE BIRD COMPACT BB1-804L-T 2.40m 3-12g Fast - NEW</span></td> </tr> </tbody> </table>
      Price €119.00
      Travel Spinning Rods Golden Catch Inquisitor Travel

        Golden Catch Inquisitor Travel

        <p>There are times when you want to take your favorite rod with you to the ends of the earth, but the transport length of the product stops it, so the GoldenCatch trademark has created a series of Inquisitor Travel rods especially for fans of Inquisitor spinning rods. These are models in 4 private versions that have a transport of only 64 cm with a length of 2.36 cm are equipped with a semi-rigid stylish tube with a zipper and two neoprene ties. All models have a classic hollow top. Spinning GC Inquisitor Travel INS-764ML 2.29 m 4-18 g - 4-part travel version. In terms of functionality, the rod belongs to generalists. INS-764ML 2.29 m 4-18 g works well with jig spinning and oscillating spinners and pilkers, as well as crank and minnow wobblers on even or jerky wires. In the butt part, the rod has increased power, so it can be safely used as a light Lite Game rod when fishing on tropical and subtropical coasts. Spinning GC Inquisitor Travel INS-764MH 2.29m 8-32g - 4-part travel version. The rod has a jig-twitch specialization. The upper part of the blank is with increased rigidity, which allows you to make active animation of jig rigs with large lures. The rod also works well with large, persistent spinners and jigs. The rod has a high power designed, among other things, for catching a strong marine predator. Spinning GC Inquisitor Travel INS-794H 2.36 m 10-42 g - 4-part travel version. Versatile model with great power. The rod is designed for serious loads, including for catching a strong marine predator. Can be used as a bass rod or for plumb fishing with jigs from a boat in tropical waters (within reason).</p> <table><thead class="pestit"><tr><td>CODE</td> <td></td> <td>model</td> <td>Length m</td> <td>pcs</td> <td>Folded cm</td> <td>Weight gr</td> <td>Casting gr</td> <td>Power</td> <td>Action</td> </tr></thead><tbody class="pestxt"><tr><td>2039400</td> <td>Golden Catch Inquisitor Travel INS-764ML 2.29m 4-18g</td> <td>INS-764ML</td> <td>2,29 metri</td> <td>4</td> <td>63</td> <td>125</td> <td>4-18</td> <td>ML</td> <td>fast</td> </tr><tr><td>2039401</td> <td>Golden Catch Inquisitor Travel INS-764MH 2.29m 8-32g</td> <td>INS-764MH</td> <td>2,29 metri</td> <td>4</td> <td>62.5</td> <td>147</td> <td>8-32</td> <td>MH</td> <td>fast</td> </tr><tr><td>2039402</td> <td>Golden Catch Inquisitor Travel INS-794H 2.36m 10-42g</td> <td>INS-794H</td> <td>2,36 metri</td> <td>4</td> <td>64</td> <td>159</td> <td>10-42</td> <td>H</td> <td>fast</td> </tr></tbody></table><p><iframe width="480" height="270" style="background-image:url(&quot;img/object.gif&quot;);" src="" title="Серия удилищ Golden Catch Inquisitor Travel. Компактный помощник в путешествии." frameborder="0"></iframe></p>
        Price €109.90
        Travel Spinning Rods MAJORTECH FIERCE MAJORTECH


          <p>Canna all-round a pezzatura corta. Pensata per lo spinning ma utile anche per pescare a fondo o con galleggiante. Rifinita perfettamente e dotata di manico in sughero con impugnatura tipo VSS. L’ideale da tenere sempre in macchina o da portare con se nello zaino in qualsiasi posto.</p><table><thead class="pestit"><tr><td>Cod</td><td>Modello</td><td>Lunghezza</td><td>Casting</td><td>Sezioni</td><td>Ingombro</td></tr></thead><tbody class="pestxt"><tr><td>27120025</td><td>MAJORTECH FIERCE MAJORTECH</td><td>2,10 metri</td><td>8-10 gr</td><td>6</td><td>58 cm</td></tr><tr><td>27120026</td><td>MAJORTECH FIERCE MAJORTECH</td><td>2,40 metri</td><td>10-30 gr</td><td>7</td><td>58 cm</td></tr><tr><td>27120027</td><td>MAJORTECH FIERCE MAJORTECH</td><td>2,70 metri</td><td>10-40 gr</td><td>8</td><td>58 cm</td></tr></tbody></table>
          Price €49.00
          Travel Spinning Rods Majortech MINI STICK

            Majortech MINI STICK

            <p>Canna polivalente dall’ingombro ridotto. Compatta e robusta, dal cimino sensibile e capace di tenere il pescatore in costante contatto con l’esca. L’ingombro ridotto (60 cm) permette un trasporto comodo nello zaino, nel cassetto della macchina o in valigia.</p> <table><thead class="pestit"><tr><td>Codice</td> <td>Modello</td> <td>Lunghezza</td> <td>Sezioni</td> <td>Azione</td> <td>Anelli</td> </tr></thead><tbody class="pestxt"><tr><td>27080045</td> <td>MINI STICK</td> <td>3,60 mt</td> <td>10</td> <td>5-28 gr</td> <td>BNOG</td> </tr><tr><td>27080046</td> <td>MINI STICK</td> <td>4,10 mt</td> <td>11</td> <td>5-28 gr</td> <td>BNOG</td> </tr><tr><td>27080047</td> <td>MINI STICK</td> <td>4,50 mt</td> <td>12</td> <td>5-28 gr</td> <td>BNOG</td> </tr></tbody></table>
            Price €65.00
            Travel Spinning Rods MAJORTECH POWER SPIN


              <p>Mini canna telescopica in fibra ideale da tenere sempre con se in macchina o nello zaino. Robusta e pratica, è perfetta per essere utilizzata ovunque con svariate tecniche di pesca, dallo spinning alla pesca a fondo leggera, da riva o dalla barca. Ingombro 1,80 (50 cm) – 2,10 (55 cm) – 2,40 (60 cm) 2,70 (63 cm)</p> <table><thead class="pestit"><tr><td>Codice</td> <td>Modello</td> <td>Lunghezza</td> <td>Sezioni</td> <td>Azione</td> <td>Anelli</td> </tr></thead><tbody class="pestxt"><tr><td>27120020</td> <td>POWER SPIN</td> <td>1,80 mt</td> <td>5</td> <td>5-30 gr</td> <td>BNOG</td> </tr><tr><td>27120021</td> <td>POWER SPIN</td> <td>2,10 mt</td> <td>6</td> <td>5-30 gr</td> <td>BNOG</td> </tr><tr><td>27120022</td> <td>POWER SPIN</td> <td>2,40 mt</td> <td>6</td> <td>5-30 gr</td> <td>BNOG</td> </tr><tr><td>27120023</td> <td>POWER SPIN</td> <td>2,70 mt</td> <td>6</td> <td>5-30 gr</td> <td>BNOG</td> </tr></tbody></table>
              Price €30.00
              Travel Spinning Rods Majortech STEALTHY MINI

                Majortech STEALTHY MINI

                <p>Mini canna telescopica in carbonio, perfetta da tenere sempre con se, in macchina o nello zaino. Funge da canna tuttofare, per pescare in ogni dove sia a spinning che con altre tecniche. Disponibile in 5 lunghezze differenti, da 180 a 300cm. Ingombro 50 cm</p> <table><thead class="pestit"><tr><td>Codice</td> <td>Modello</td> <td>Lunghezza</td> <td>Sezioni</td> <td>Azione</td> <td>Anelli</td> </tr></thead><tbody class="pestxt"><tr><td>27080050</td> <td>STEALTHY MINI</td> <td>1,80 mt</td> <td>7</td> <td>5-10 gr</td> <td>BNOG</td> </tr><tr><td>27080051</td> <td>STEALTHY MINI</td> <td>2,10 mt</td> <td>8</td> <td>7-12 gr</td> <td>BNOG</td> </tr><tr><td>27080052</td> <td>STEALTHY MINI</td> <td>2,40 mt</td> <td>9</td> <td>8-15 gr</td> <td>BNOG</td> </tr><tr><td>27080053</td> <td>STEALTHY MINI</td> <td>2,70 mt</td> <td>10</td> <td>10-20 gr</td> <td>BNOG</td> </tr><tr><td>27080054</td> <td>STEALTHY MINI</td> <td>3,00 mt</td> <td>11</td> <td>10-20 gr</td> <td>BNOG</td> </tr></tbody></table>
                Price €49.00
                Travel Spinning Rods MAJORTECH SUPER STEALTHY


                  <p>Canna da pesca telescopica in formato mini. Da tenere sempre nascosta nello zaino e pronta all’uso in un istante. Robusta e dalla cime sensibile è l’ideale per approcciare torrenti e fossi.</p><table><thead class="pestit"><tr><td>Cod</td><td>Modello</td><td>Lunghezza</td><td>Casting</td><td>Sezioni</td><td>Ingombro</td></tr></thead><tbody class="pestxt"><tr><td>27080056</td><td>MAJORTECH SUPER STEALTHY</td><td>1,80 metri</td><td>8-25 gr</td><td>6</td><td>45 cm</td></tr><tr><td>27080057</td><td>MAJORTECH SUPER STEALTHY</td><td>2,05 metri</td><td>10-30 gr</td><td>7</td><td>45 cm</td></tr><tr><td>27080058</td><td>MAJORTECH SUPER STEALTHY</td><td>2,35 metri</td><td>10-30 gr</td><td>8</td><td>45 cm</td></tr></tbody></table>
                  Price €49.00
                  Travel Spinning Rods Majortech TECHNO SPIN HS

                    Majortech TECHNO SPIN HS

                    <p>Canna telescopica a pezzatura corta realizzata in carbonio. Comoda, leggera e resistente, è la canna ideale da tenere sempre con se, nello zaino o in macchina, per pescare ovunque con tutte le tecniche di pesca.</p> <table> <thead class="pestit"> <tr> <td>Codice</td> <td>Modello</td> <td>Lunghezza</td> <td>Sezioni</td> <td>Azione</td> <td>Anelli</td> </tr> </thead> <tbody class="pestxt"> <tr> <td>27120056</td> <td>TECHNO SPIN HS</td> <td>2,40 mt</td> <td>7</td> <td>5.20 gr</td> <td>BNOG</td> </tr> <tr> <td>27120065</td> <td>TECHNO SPIN HS</td> <td>2,70 mt</td> <td>7</td> <td>15-40 gr</td> <td>BNOG</td> </tr> <tr> <td>27120073</td> <td>TECHNO SPIN HS</td> <td>3,00 mt</td> <td>7</td> <td>30-80 gr</td> <td>BNOG</td> </tr> </tbody> </table>
                    Price €45.00
                    Travel Spinning Rods SMITH CANNA KOZ EXPEDITION SPINNING MODEL


                      <p></p> <table> <thead class="pestit"> <tr> <td>Codice</td> <td>Lungh.</td> <td>Potenza</td> <td>Azione</td> <td>Manico</td> <td>PE</td> <td>Peso</td> <td>Esche</td> </tr> </thead> <tbody class="pestxt"> <tr> <td>EX-S68SL/2</td> <td>6'8"</td> <td>Super.Light</td> <td>Mod.Fast</td> <td>360mm</td> <td>~0,6-2PE</td> <td>116gr</td> <td>2-30gr</td> </tr> <tr> <td>EX-S82M/2</td> <td>8'2''</td> <td>Medium</td> <td>Fast</td> <td>475mm</td> <td>~3PE</td> <td>187gr</td> <td>~50gr</td> </tr> <tr> <td>EX-S82MH/2</td> <td>8'2</td> <td>Medium Heavy</td> <td>Fast</td> <td>475mm</td> <td>3PE</td> <td>175gr</td> <td>~70gr</td> </tr> <tr> <td>EX-S74YT</td> <td>4'4"</td> <td>Heavy</td> <td>Moderate Fast</td> <td>740mm</td> <td>~3-8PE</td> <td>315g</td> <td>28-130g</td> </tr> <tr> <td>EX-S69LH</td> <td>6'9"</td> <td>L.Heavy</td> <td>Mod.Fast</td> <td>510mm</td> <td>~6PE</td> <td>194gr</td> <td>~75gr</td> </tr> <tr> <td>EX-S70L/2</td> <td>7'</td> <td>Light</td> <td>Mod.Fast</td> <td>410mm</td> <td>~2PE</td> <td>135g</td> <td>~35gr</td> </tr> <tr> <td>EX-S76BTH</td> <td>7'6"</td> <td>Extra Heavy</td> <td>Moderate</td> <td>810mm</td> <td>~10PE</td> <td>420gr</td> <td>~300gr</td> </tr> <tr> <td>EX-S81BTM</td> <td>8'1"</td> <td>Extra Heavy</td> <td>Moderate</td> <td>810mm</td> <td>~8PE</td> <td>422gr</td> <td>~200gr</td> </tr> <tr> <td>EX-S80BGT</td> <td>8'</td> <td>Mod. Heavy</td> <td>Mod.Fast</td> <td>815mm</td> <td>5-15 PE</td> <td>398gr</td> <td>30-200gr</td> </tr> </tbody> </table> <p>pinning model</p> <p>KOZ.EX-S68SL/2</p> <p></p> <p>KOZ.EX-S68SL/2</p> <p>The amazing lure capacity of 2 to 30g is a versatile model that is super light but can easily handle light games.</p> <p></p> <p>``This model was developed in response to requests for a lighter S70L/2.As a result, we were able to improve accuracy and sensitivity than the S70L/2.It is a rod that mainly targets sea bass, I myself (Okubo) am currently using this model as a spinning rod for bass.It is also a suitable rod for fishing with a 1.8g jig head for black bass.'' (Kozo Okubo) [Overseas target fish] Arowana, Peacock</p> <p></p> <p>bass</p> <p>, Sea bass,Black bass,Barramundi,Bream,Sparrow,Coral reef fish</p> <p>[Domestic target fish]</p> <p>Chinook, sea bass, black bass, coral fish</p> <p>ROD No.<span style="white-space:pre;"> </span>length<span style="white-space:pre;"> </span>weight<span style="white-space:pre;"> </span>lure<span style="white-space:pre;"> </span>line<span style="white-space:pre;"> </span>power<span style="white-space:pre;"> </span>action<span style="white-space:pre;"> </span>grip</p> <p>length<span style="white-space:pre;"> </span>pack</p> <p>length<span style="white-space:pre;"> </span>blank</p> <p>material<span style="white-space:pre;"> </span>tip dia<span style="white-space:pre;"> </span>price¥</p> <p>KOZ.EX-</p> <p>S68SL/2<span style="white-space:pre;"> </span>6'8"<span style="white-space:pre;"> </span>116g<span style="white-space:pre;"> </span>2~30g<span style="white-space:pre;"> </span>PE 0.6~2<span style="white-space:pre;"> </span>Super Light<span style="white-space:pre;"> </span>Mod.Fast<span style="white-space:pre;"> </span>360mm<span style="white-space:pre;"> </span>105cm<span style="white-space:pre;"> </span>8t+24+30t</p> <p>Graphite<span style="white-space:pre;"> </span>1.9mm<span style="white-space:pre;"> </span>53,000</p> <p>+ tax</p> <p>KOZ.EX-S70L/2</p> <p></p> <p>KOZ.EX-S70L/2</p> <p>A 2-piece model with a sub-name of Porter, with an emphasis on mobility. It is attractive for its wide range of uses, allowing you to overcome targets and conditions that larger lures cannot compete with. It is also useful as a sub-rod during expeditions.</p> <p></p> <p>``When I started Full Contact, a boat guide boat, I created this rod with the idea of ​​being able to cast accurately to the desired location, as if I were placing the lure with my own hands. It is a rod that makes it easy to hook fish, and as a result, we were able to catch a large number of seabass.When fishing for chinook using an eraser + jig head, it is easy to catch delicate strikes, and it is easy to hook even the hard mouths of chinook. It is very easy to use because it can do this.In freshwater areas, I can fight bass fishing in areas where shrimps grow without any problems, and I have caught several bass in the late 50 cm class, with the maximum being 62 cm.In terms of strength, I've caught about 9 sailfish in the 30kg class, and I've also caught a 20kg GT in the Maldives.The special feature of this rod is that it can be used in a wide range of ways.'' (Kozo Okubo) [Overseas target fish] Sea</p> <p></p> <p>bass</p> <p>, Bream, Grouper, Bluefin trevally, Longface emperor, Bigfin squid, Peacock bass, Bass, Sparrow, Cat Fish etc. [</p> <p>Domestic target fish]</p> <p>Sea bass (minnow main from boat), Chinook (boat game), Red snapper, Large trout</p> <p>ROD No.<span style="white-space:pre;"> </span>length<span style="white-space:pre;"> </span>weight<span style="white-space:pre;"> </span>lure<span style="white-space:pre;"> </span>line<span style="white-space:pre;"> </span>power<span style="white-space:pre;"> </span>action<span style="white-space:pre;"> </span>grip</p> <p>length<span style="white-space:pre;"> </span>pack</p> <p>length<span style="white-space:pre;"> </span>blank</p> <p>material<span style="white-space:pre;"> </span>tip dia<span style="white-space:pre;"> </span>price¥</p> <p>KOZ.EX-</p> <p>S70L/2<span style="white-space:pre;"> </span>7'<span style="white-space:pre;"> </span>135g<span style="white-space:pre;"> </span>~35g<span style="white-space:pre;"> </span>PE ~2<span style="white-space:pre;"> </span>Light<span style="white-space:pre;"> </span>Mod.Fast<span style="white-space:pre;"> </span>410mm<span style="white-space:pre;"> </span>111cm<span style="white-space:pre;"> </span>8t+24t+30t</p> <p>Graphite<span style="white-space:pre;"> </span>2.1mm<span style="white-space:pre;"> </span>55,000</p> <p>+ tax</p> <p>NEW KOZ.EX-S82MH/2</p> <p></p> <p>KOZ.EX-S82MH/2</p> <p>One for tackling games that require long distances such as surf, reef, and taiga. This length and power provide an advantage in penetrating the hook into the hard jaws of large salmon in heavy currents. Based on the S82M/2, the blank has been revised from scratch to accommodate situations with a wider range of defense.</p> <p></p> <p>"A power-up model derived from the 70L/2. It can fight big fish with ease, and its length makes it suitable for targeting sea bass from the shore. This model is also the one that caught the monster sea bass." (Kozo Okubo) [Target fish overseas</p> <p></p> <p>] ]</p> <p>Salmon, Taimen, Emperor breams etc.</p> <p>[Domestic target fish]</p> <p>Seabass, blackfin perch, Taman (Hamafuefuki), etc.</p> <p>ROD No.<span style="white-space:pre;"> </span>length<span style="white-space:pre;"> </span>weight<span style="white-space:pre;"> </span>lure<span style="white-space:pre;"> </span>line<span style="white-space:pre;"> </span>power<span style="white-space:pre;"> </span>action<span style="white-space:pre;"> </span>grip</p> <p>length<span style="white-space:pre;"> </span>pack</p> <p>length<span style="white-space:pre;"> </span>blank</p> <p>material<span style="white-space:pre;"> </span>tip dia<span style="white-space:pre;"> </span>price¥</p> <p>KOZ.EX-</p> <p>S82MH/2<span style="white-space:pre;"> </span>8'2"<span style="white-space:pre;"> </span>175g<span style="white-space:pre;"> </span>~70g<span style="white-space:pre;"> </span>PE ~3<span style="white-space:pre;"> </span>Medium</p> <p>Heavy<span style="white-space:pre;"> </span>Fast<span style="white-space:pre;"> </span>475mm<span style="white-space:pre;"> </span>129cm</p> <p>(2pcs)<span style="white-space:pre;"> </span>8t+24t+30t</p> <p>Graphite<span style="white-space:pre;"> </span>2.3mm<span style="white-space:pre;"> </span>57,000</p> <p>+ tax</p> <p>KOZ.EX-S69LH</p> <p></p> <p>KOZ.EX-S69LH</p> <p>A rod that realizes power games with spinning tackle. A fishing rod that lets you approach unknown large fish in your casting game, whether in salt or fresh water.</p> <p></p> <p>[Target fish overseas]</p> <p>Red snake head, Papuan Bass, Peacock bass, Pike, Barramundi, Dorado, GT, Yellowtail king fish, Yellowfin Tuna, Sailfish, Grouper etc. [</p> <p>Target fish domestically]</p> <p>Snakehead (light cover), blue mono, red turtle, Itou</p> <p>ROD No.<span style="white-space:pre;"> </span>length<span style="white-space:pre;"> </span>weight<span style="white-space:pre;"> </span>lure<span style="white-space:pre;"> </span>line<span style="white-space:pre;"> </span>power<span style="white-space:pre;"> </span>action<span style="white-space:pre;"> </span>grip</p> <p>length<span style="white-space:pre;"> </span>pack</p> <p>length<span style="white-space:pre;"> </span>blank</p> <p>material<span style="white-space:pre;"> </span>tip dia<span style="white-space:pre;"> </span>price¥</p> <p>KOZ.EX-</p> <p>S69LH<span style="white-space:pre;"> </span>6'9"<span style="white-space:pre;"> </span>194g<span style="white-space:pre;"> </span>~75g<span style="white-space:pre;"> </span>PE ~6<span style="white-space:pre;"> </span>Lt.</p> <p>Heavy<span style="white-space:pre;"> </span>Mod.Fast<span style="white-space:pre;"> </span>510mm<span style="white-space:pre;"> </span>162cm</p> <p>(grip detachable)<span style="white-space:pre;"> </span>8t+24t+30t</p> <p>Graphite<span style="white-space:pre;"> </span>2.5mm<span style="white-space:pre;"> </span>57,000</p> <p>+ tax</p> <p>KOZ.EX-S74YT</p> <p></p> <p>KOZ.EX-S74YT</p> <p>Irregular 2-piece specification. This model features a soft tip that allows you to cast 1oz lures with whitebait in consideration of match-the-bait.</p> <p></p> <p>[Target fish overseas]</p> <p>Sail fish, Tarpon, Rooster fish, Taimen, King salmon, Yellow fin tuna, Yellowtail</p> <p>[Target fish domestically]</p> <p>Yellowtail, yellowfin tuna, etc.</p> <p>ROD No.<span style="white-space:pre;"> </span>length<span style="white-space:pre;"> </span>weight<span style="white-space:pre;"> </span>lure<span style="white-space:pre;"> </span>line<span style="white-space:pre;"> </span>power<span style="white-space:pre;"> </span>action<span style="white-space:pre;"> </span>grip</p> <p>length<span style="white-space:pre;"> </span>pack</p> <p>length<span style="white-space:pre;"> </span>blank</p> <p>material<span style="white-space:pre;"> </span>tip dia<span style="white-space:pre;"> </span>price¥</p> <p>KOZ.EX-</p> <p>S74YT<span style="white-space:pre;"> </span>7'4"<span style="white-space:pre;"> </span>315g<span style="white-space:pre;"> </span>28~130g<span style="white-space:pre;"> </span>No. 3-8 PE<span style="white-space:pre;"> </span>Heavy<span style="white-space:pre;"> </span>Mod.Fast<span style="white-space:pre;"> </span>740mm<span style="white-space:pre;"> </span>157cm<span style="white-space:pre;"> </span>8t+24t+30t</p> <p>graphite<span style="white-space:pre;"> </span>2.7mm<span style="white-space:pre;"> </span>54,000</p> <p>+ tax</p> <p>KOZ.EX-S80BGT</p> <p></p> <p>KOZ.EX-S80BGT</p> <p>Irregular 2-piece specification. This model has a flexible tip that specializes in luring out and a strong bat, and can also cast Super Surger 10cm as sardine bait.</p> <p></p> <p>[Target fish overseas]</p> <p>Blue fin tuna, Goldstriped amberjack, Giant trevally</p> <p>[Target fish domestically]</p> <p>Bluefin tuna, amberjack, horse mackerel</p> <p>ROD No.<span style="white-space:pre;"> </span>length<span style="white-space:pre;"> </span>weight<span style="white-space:pre;"> </span>lure<span style="white-space:pre;"> </span>line<span style="white-space:pre;"> </span>power<span style="white-space:pre;"> </span>action<span style="white-space:pre;"> </span>grip</p> <p>length<span style="white-space:pre;"> </span>pack</p> <p>length<span style="white-space:pre;"> </span>blank</p> <p>material<span style="white-space:pre;"> </span>tip dia<span style="white-space:pre;"> </span>price¥</p> <p>KOZ.EX</p> <p>-S80BGT<span style="white-space:pre;"> </span>8'<span style="white-space:pre;"> </span>398g<span style="white-space:pre;"> </span>30~200g<span style="white-space:pre;"> </span>No. 5-15 PE<span style="white-space:pre;"> </span>Med.Heavy<span style="white-space:pre;"> </span>Mod.Fast<span style="white-space:pre;"> </span>710mm<span style="white-space:pre;"> </span>154cm<span style="white-space:pre;"> </span>8+24+30t+4way</p> <p>X-across graphite<span style="white-space:pre;"> </span>2.9mm<span style="white-space:pre;"> </span>63,000</p> <p>+ tax</p> <p>KOZ.EX-S76BTH</p> <p></p> <p>KOZ.EX-S76BTH</p> <p>The action is a moderate (medium) taper that absorbs intense power throughout the rod compared to GT rods. Although it has a moderate taper design, it has enough power to compete with 50kg class GTs.</p> <p></p> <p>[Overseas target fish]</p> <p>100kg bluefin tuna, 130kg yellowfin tuna, 50kg trevally</p> <p>ROD No.<span style="white-space:pre;"> </span>length<span style="white-space:pre;"> </span>weight<span style="white-space:pre;"> </span>lure<span style="white-space:pre;"> </span>line<span style="white-space:pre;"> </span>power<span style="white-space:pre;"> </span>action<span style="white-space:pre;"> </span>grip</p> <p>length<span style="white-space:pre;"> </span>pack</p> <p>length<span style="white-space:pre;"> </span>blank</p> <p>material<span style="white-space:pre;"> </span>tip dia<span style="white-space:pre;"> </span>price¥</p> <p>KOZ.EX-</p> <p>S76BTH<span style="white-space:pre;"> </span>7'6"<span style="white-space:pre;"> </span>420g<span style="white-space:pre;"> </span>~300g<span style="white-space:pre;"> </span>~No. 10 PE<span style="white-space:pre;"> </span>Ex.Heavy<span style="white-space:pre;"> </span>Moderate<span style="white-space:pre;"> </span>810mm<span style="white-space:pre;"> </span>147cm<span style="white-space:pre;"> </span>8+24+30t+4way</p> <p>X-across graphite<span style="white-space:pre;"> </span>4.3mm<span style="white-space:pre;"> </span>73,000</p> <p>+ tax</p> <p>KOZ.EX-S81BTM</p> <p></p> <p>KOZ.EX-S81BTM</p> <p>The biggest feature is the soft tip section, which minimizes the lure popping out that often occurs when using pencil plugs or jerk baits, creating an exquisite balance between softness and stiffness, matching Mr. Okubo's fishing style. design. This design makes it the perfect model for large yellowfin tuna, medium-sized long horse mackerel, large kingfish, etc. The unique medium taper on the body and unparalleled restoring power enable fighting without relying solely on manpower, making it suitable for upper-intermediate players. Of course, this model is very easy to use even for beginners.</p> <p></p> <p>[Overseas target fish]</p> <p>70kg bluefin tuna, 90kg yellowfin tuna, horse mackerel, amberjack</p> <p>ROD No.<span style="white-space:pre;"> </span>length<span style="white-space:pre;"> </span>weight<span style="white-space:pre;"> </span>lure<span style="white-space:pre;"> </span>line<span style="white-space:pre;"> </span>power<span style="white-space:pre;"> </span>action<span style="white-space:pre;"> </span>grip</p> <p>length<span style="white-space:pre;"> </span>pack</p> <p>length<span style="white-space:pre;"> </span>blank</p> <p>material<span style="white-space:pre;"> </span>tip dia<span style="white-space:pre;"> </span>price¥</p> <p>KOZ.EX</p> <p>-S81BTM<span style="white-space:pre;"> </span>8'1"<span style="white-space:pre;"> </span>422g<span style="white-space:pre;"> </span>~200g<span style="white-space:pre;"> </span>~No. 8 PE<span style="white-space:pre;"> </span>Ex.Heavy<span style="white-space:pre;"> </span>Moderate<span style="white-space:pre;"> </span>810mm<span style="white-space:pre;"> </span>157cm<span style="white-space:pre;"> </span>8+24+30t+4way</p> <p>X-across graphite<span style="white-space:pre;"> </span>3.6mm<span style="white-space:pre;"> </span>74,000</p> <p>+ tax</p> <p>KOZ.EX-S77GT/3</p> <p></p> <p>KOZ.EX-S77GT/3</p> <p>The first 3-piece multi-rod in the series, with a closed size of approximately 82 cm and outstanding portability. Designed to achieve a high level of joint strength and aim for long horse mackerel over 50 kg.</p> <p></p> <p>[Target fish overseas]</p> <p>Giant trevally, Blue fin tuna</p> <p>[Target fish domestically]</p> <p>Horse mackerel, bluefin tuna</p> <p>ROD No.<span style="white-space:pre;"> </span>length<span style="white-space:pre;"> </span>weight<span style="white-space:pre;"> </span>lure<span style="white-space:pre;"> </span>line<span style="white-space:pre;"> </span>power<span style="white-space:pre;"> </span>action<span style="white-space:pre;"> </span>grip</p> <p>length<span style="white-space:pre;"> </span>pack</p> <p>length<span style="white-space:pre;"> </span>blank</p> <p>material<span style="white-space:pre;"> </span>tip dia<span style="white-space:pre;"> </span>price¥</p> <p>KOZ.EX-</p> <p>S77GT/3<span style="white-space:pre;"> </span>7'7"<span style="white-space:pre;"> </span>448g<span style="white-space:pre;"> </span>100~300g<span style="white-space:pre;"> </span>No. 6-12 PE<span style="white-space:pre;"> </span>Ex.Heavy<span style="white-space:pre;"> </span>Moderate<span style="white-space:pre;"> </span>790mm<span style="white-space:pre;"> </span>82cm<span style="white-space:pre;"> </span>8+24+30t+4way</p> <p>X-across graphite<span style="white-space:pre;"> </span>3.9mm<span style="white-space:pre;"> </span>61,000</p> <p>+ tax</p> <p>spec</p> <p></p> <p>Blank: 8+24+30 tons 4way X-across graphite (multi-axis carbon)</p> <p></p> <p></p> <p></p> <p>Grip: Separate grip made of orange camo EVA, which is a symbol of KOZ.</p> <p></p> <p></p> <p></p> <p>Ferrule: Models with /2 at the end of the model name are 2-piece specifications. Woven graphite spigot ferrule that won't come off easily.</p> <p></p> <p></p> <p>Guide: Adopts the most suitable guide depending on the application. Triple wrapping is applied to S76BTH and S81BTM, and double wrapping is applied to other models.</p> <p></p> <p>[KOZ.EX-S68SL/2, S70L/2, S82MH/2] Titanium frame KT+KL guide installed</p> <p></p> <p></p> <p>[KOZ.EX-S69LH, S74YT, S80BGT, S76BTH, S81BTM, S77GT/3] Ocean guide installed</p> <p></p>
                      Price €639.00
                      Travel Spinning Rods Smith Troutin Spin Dagger Stream

                        Smith Troutin Spin Dagger Stream

                        <p>Smith Troutin Spin Dagger Stream Modello telescopico per un piccolo ingombro e una grande manovrabilità. Da maggio 2020 è stata rilasciata Smith Troutin’ Spin Dagger Stream</p>
                        Price €445.00
                        Travel Spinning Rods Spinning Favorite X1 Travel

                          Spinning Favorite X1 Travel

                          <p>X1 Travel rod is an universal rod - you can work with it with jig lures, and wobblers and lures, and with both of them it will work well. The blank is made from carbon IM24T and has a very popular fast action (or rather extra fast - it depends on a model), it runs smoothly, and allows fighting with fish confidently. Scupper connections are very reliable and preserve operation features of the rod. Guides with SIC insertions have a flowing K-concept construction, that is why line tangling during casting is eliminated. A convenient handle has an ergonomic shape and made from EVA material, it feels nice in a hand and is very practical. A rigid plastic tubus is included in a rod set.</p> <table><thead class="pestit"><tr><td>Codice</td> <td>Modello</td> <td>Modello</td> <td>Sezioni</td> <td>Potenza</td> <td>Misura</td> <td>Test</td> <td>Line test</td> <td>Azione</td> <td>Peso</td> <td>Ingombro</td> </tr></thead><tbody class="pestxt"><tr><td>FAX1T704000ML</td> <td>Spinning Favorite X1 Travel</td> <td>X1 704ML</td> <td>4</td> <td>Medium Light</td> <td>2.13m</td> <td>4-18g</td> <td>8 - 15 lb</td> <td>Ex-Fast</td> <td>136</td> <td>64</td> </tr><tr><td>FAX1T764000MH</td> <td>Spinning Favorite X1 Travel</td> <td>X1 764MH</td> <td>4</td> <td>Medium Heavy</td> <td>2.29m</td> <td>10-32g</td> <td>12 - 25</td> <td>Fast</td> <td>163</td> <td>67</td> </tr><tr><td>FAX1T7640000M</td> <td>Spinning Favorite X1 Travel</td> <td>X1 764M</td> <td>4</td> <td>Medium</td> <td>2.29m</td> <td>7-24g</td> <td>10 - 20 lb</td> <td>Ex-Fast</td> <td>153</td> <td>67</td> </tr><tr><td>FAX1T8040000H</td> <td>Spinning Favorite X1 Travel</td> <td>X1 804H</td> <td>4</td> <td>Heavy</td> <td>2.44m</td> <td>20-50g</td> <td>15 - 30 lb</td> <td>Ex-Fast</td> <td>193</td> <td>72</td> </tr><tr><td>FAX1T80400EXH</td> <td>Spinning Favorite X1 Travel</td> <td>X1 804ExH</td> <td>4</td> <td>Extra Heavy</td> <td>2.44m</td> <td>30-80g</td> <td>20 - 40 lb</td> <td>Ex-Fast</td> <td>206</td> <td>72</td> </tr></tbody></table>
                          Price €102.00