Paddle - Coda Piatta

Paddle - Coda Piatta

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    <p>Baobab Hog 3.8'' è il beaver di Geecrack. Un castoro per il bass fishing dalla grande coda pronto a infilarsi nelle cover più fitte alla ricerca dei big bass. Come tutti gli artificiali di questa categoria, la sua principale caratteristica è un corpo piatto, due grandi chele unite e le prime zampette più grandi e vibranti rispetto alle seconde. Il suo impiego è particolarmente adatto a pesci apatici o sospettosi, che si fanno facilmente infastidire da normali gamberi a due chele con minor spostamento d'acqua ma molta più confusione. Ovviamente alla bisogna le chele si possono anche separare e ottenere un effetto un po' più invasivo. Il corpo piatto lo rende perfetto per essere skippato. Sicuramente il suo innesco principale è il Texas con un amo minimo di taglia #3/0, consigliamo i Decoy KG HOOK Hyper WORM 13. Si può comunque adoperare anche a jika riga, ad esempio utilizzando gli appositi piombi Decoy DS-6 SINKER TYPE STICK. Misura 9,6 centimetri e ogni busta contiene 6 pezzi. Made with a ringed body which delivers an enticing underwater action. Its tail moves a lot of water to draw attention from fish. The tail of BAOBAB HOG EX 3.8 is the same shape as that of the Big Hog "BAOBAB HOG 8".Its body features rings that trap and hold water for underwater enticing action. </p><table><thead class="pestit"><tr><td>Codice</td><td>Modello</td><td>Misura</td><td>Colore</td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td></tr></thead><tbody class="pestxt"><tr><td>024800</td><td>GEECRACK BAOBAB HOG EX</td><td>3.8"</td><td>COL. 303 GREEN-PUMPKIN-CHART</td><td></td><td></td><td>COL. 303</td><td></td><td>3.8"|COL. 303</td></tr><tr><td>025175</td><td>GEECRACK BAOBAB HOG EX</td><td>3.8"</td><td>COL. 304 PLUM</td><td></td><td></td><td>COL. 304</td><td></td><td>3.8"|COL. 304</td></tr><tr><td>025176</td><td>GEECRACK BAOBAB HOG EX</td><td>3.8"</td><td>COL. 305 BLACK-BLUE</td><td></td><td></td><td>COL. 305</td><td></td><td>3.8"|COL. 305</td></tr><tr><td>031496</td><td>GEECRACK BAOBAB HOG EX</td><td>3.8"</td><td>COL. 306</td><td></td><td></td><td>COL. 306</td><td></td><td>3.8"|COL. 306</td></tr><tr><td>030522</td><td>GEECRACK BAOBAB HOG EX</td><td>3.8"</td><td>COL. 307 FLORIDA HUMMER</td><td></td><td></td><td>COL. 307</td><td></td><td>3.8"|COL. 307</td></tr><tr><td>024801</td><td>GEECRACK BAOBAB HOG EX</td><td>3.8"</td><td>COL. 308 DAPPI-ZARIGANI</td><td></td><td></td><td>COL. 308</td><td></td><td>3.8"|COL. 308</td></tr><tr><td>025177</td><td>GEECRACK BAOBAB HOG EX</td><td>3.8"</td><td>COL. 330 BUGBOMB</td><td></td><td></td><td>COL. 330</td><td></td><td>3.8"|COL. 330</td></tr></tbody></table>
    Prezzo 12,60 €
    Paddle - Coda Piatta IMA MIGHTYHOG


      <p>Mighty Hog è una creature che imita il Ditisco un insetto d'acqua diffuso in tutte le acque dolci del mondo. Misura 4 pollici</p> <table> <thead class="pestit"> <tr> <td>COD</td> <td>MODELLO</td> <td></td> </tr> </thead> <tbody class="pestxt"> <tr> <td>11523</td> <td>IMA MIGHTYHOG 4""</td> <td></td> </tr> <tr> <td>11524</td> <td>IMA MIGHTYHOG 4""</td> <td></td> </tr> <tr> <td>11525</td> <td>IMA MIGHTYHOG 4""</td> <td></td> </tr> <tr> <td>11527</td> <td>IMA MIGHTYHOG 4""</td> <td></td> </tr> <tr> <td>11528</td> <td>IMA MIGHTYHOG 4""</td> <td></td> </tr> <tr> <td>11529</td> <td>IMA MIGHTYHOG 4""</td> <td></td> </tr> </tbody> </table>
      Prezzo 8,90 €
      Paddle - Coda Piatta KEITECH FLEX CHUNK


        <p>KEITECH FLEX CHUNK For many years, jig fishermen have been particular about the spontaneous action when a jig lands on the bottom. After the jig hits the bottom, the skirt flares, and a little later, the trailer collapses with a thud. This "lingering action" that can only be produced by Terror Terror 1 Army Pork has captivated many basses so far. "Flex Chunk" is a plastic chunk developed to reproduce that smooth movement. “Sleeper structure” allows flexible action of thick legs. Optimal material softness, optimal specific gravity based on salt content. “Natural squid flavor” that strongly induces part-time bites. And the flexible coloring unique to the worm material. The water-pushing chunk trailer and flex chunk are now complete. Since its release in 2019, we have developed two sizes: L, which is suitable for full-size jigs, and M, which is relatively versatile.In response to the hot demands of core jig players, we will expand the size in 2023. The lineup includes S, which is perfect for small rubber, SM, which matches Japanese compact jigs, and ML, which fills the gap between M and L. Of course, we didn't just make it smaller or bigger, we took the time to carefully determine the hardness and strength of the material, salt content, and body thickness that were appropriate for each size. Available in 5 sizes to complete the needs of jig lovers. Please find the best settings that match the situation on that day, at that time, by not only considering the overall balance and appearance when combined with the jig, but also the strength and weakness of water push and fall speed. If the tail gets bent or twisted in the package when not in use, there is a risk that the ``Flex Chunk'' may not be able to produce its original action. To prevent this, when shipped, both legs are connected with a small pouch near the tip (factory lock). Please remove this when using it (no scissors are required, it can be easily removed by hand). “Sleeper structure” allows the two thick leaf-like tails to move flexibly. It responds sensitively to even the slightest movement of the head, and takes action by firmly pushing the water. </p><table><thead class="pestit"><tr><td>Cod</td><td>Modello</td><td>Misura</td><td>Cod. Colore</td><td>Colore</td><td></td></tr></thead><tbody class="pestxt"><tr><td>34950</td><td>KEITECH FLEX CHUNK LARGE</td><td>4"</td><td>COL. 001</td><td>BLACK</td><td></td></tr><tr><td>34374</td><td>KEITECH FLEX CHUNK LARGE</td><td>4"</td><td>COL. 008</td><td>SCUPPERNONG</td><td></td></tr><tr><td>34375</td><td>KEITECH FLEX CHUNK LARGE</td><td>4"</td><td>COL. 434</td><td>BLUE BACK CINNAMON</td><td></td></tr><tr><td>34376</td><td>KEITECH FLEX CHUNK LARGE</td><td>4"</td><td>COL. 532</td><td>GINGER SHRIMP</td><td></td></tr><tr><td>34377</td><td>KEITECH FLEX CHUNK LARGE</td><td>4"</td><td>COL. 533</td><td>SWAMP RED CRAW</td><td></td></tr><tr><td>34378</td><td>KEITECH FLEX CHUNK LARGE</td><td>4"</td><td>COL. 534</td><td>GREEN PUMPKIN RED</td><td></td></tr><tr><td>34949</td><td>KEITECH FLEX CHUNK MEDIUM</td><td>3"</td><td>COL. 001</td><td>BLACK</td><td></td></tr><tr><td>34670</td><td>KEITECH FLEX CHUNK MEDIUM</td><td>3"</td><td>COL. 401</td><td>GREEN PUMPKIN CHARTREUSE</td><td></td></tr><tr><td>34671</td><td>KEITECH FLEX CHUNK MEDIUM</td><td>3"</td><td>COL. 407</td><td>DELTA CRAW</td><td></td></tr><tr><td>34752</td><td>KEITECH FLEX CHUNK MEDIUM</td><td>3"</td><td>COL. 411</td><td>BLACK CHERRY</td><td></td></tr><tr><td>34365</td><td>KEITECH FLEX CHUNK MEDIUM</td><td>3"</td><td>COL. 413</td><td>BLACK BLUE</td><td></td></tr><tr><td>34753</td><td>KEITECH FLEX CHUNK MEDIUM</td><td>3"</td><td>COL. 478</td><td>BROWN PURPLE</td><td></td></tr><tr><td>34672</td><td>KEITECH FLEX CHUNK MEDIUM</td><td>3"</td><td>COL. 479</td><td>BAMA CRAW</td><td></td></tr><tr><td>34368</td><td>KEITECH FLEX CHUNK MEDIUM</td><td>3"</td><td>COL. 534</td><td>GREEN PUMPKIN JELLY</td><td></td></tr><tr><td>34369</td><td>KEITECH FLEX CHUNK MEDIUM-LARGE</td><td>3.8"</td><td>COL. 008</td><td>SCUPPERNONG</td><td></td></tr><tr><td>34370</td><td>KEITECH FLEX CHUNK MEDIUM-LARGE</td><td>3.8"</td><td>COL. 434</td><td>BLUE BACK CINNAMON</td><td></td></tr><tr><td>34371</td><td>KEITECH FLEX CHUNK MEDIUM-LARGE</td><td>3.8"</td><td>COL. 532</td><td>GINGER SHRIMP</td><td></td></tr><tr><td>34372</td><td>KEITECH FLEX CHUNK MEDIUM-LARGE</td><td>3.8"</td><td>COL. 533</td><td>SWAMP RED CRAW</td><td></td></tr><tr><td>34373</td><td>KEITECH FLEX CHUNK MEDIUM-LARGE</td><td>3.8"</td><td>COL. 534</td><td>GREEN PUMPKIN JELLY</td><td></td></tr><tr><td>34354</td><td>KEITECH FLEX CHUNK SMALL</td><td>2"</td><td>COL. 008</td><td>SCUPPERNONG</td><td></td></tr><tr><td>34951</td><td>KEITECH FLEX CHUNK SMALL</td><td>2"</td><td>COL. 101</td><td>GREEN PUMPKIN PP</td><td></td></tr><tr><td>34355</td><td>KEITECH FLEX CHUNK SMALL</td><td>2"</td><td>COL. 434</td><td>BLUE BLACK CINNAMON</td><td></td></tr><tr><td>34356</td><td>KEITECH FLEX CHUNK SMALL</td><td>2"</td><td>COL. 532</td><td>GINGER SHRIMP</td><td></td></tr><tr><td>34357</td><td>KEITECH FLEX CHUNK SMALL</td><td>2"</td><td>COL. 533</td><td>SWAMP RED CRAW</td><td></td></tr><tr><td>34358</td><td>KEITECH FLEX CHUNK SMALL</td><td>2"</td><td>COL. 534</td><td>GREEN PUMPKIN JELLY</td><td></td></tr><tr><td>34359</td><td>KEITECH FLEX CHUNK SMALL-MEDIUM</td><td>2.6"</td><td>COL. 008</td><td>SCUPPERNONG</td><td></td></tr><tr><td>34806</td><td>KEITECH FLEX CHUNK SMALL-MEDIUM</td><td>2.6"</td><td>COL. 402</td><td>OKEECHOBEE CRAW</td><td></td></tr><tr><td>34805</td><td>KEITECH FLEX CHUNK SMALL-MEDIUM</td><td>2.6"</td><td>COL. 413</td><td>BLACK BLUE</td><td></td></tr><tr><td>34360</td><td>KEITECH FLEX CHUNK SMALL-MEDIUM</td><td>2.6"</td><td>COL. 434</td><td>BLACK BLUE CINNAMON</td><td></td></tr><tr><td>34361</td><td>KEITECH FLEX CHUNK SMALL-MEDIUM</td><td>2.6"</td><td>COL. 532</td><td>GINGER SHRIMP</td><td></td></tr><tr><td>34362</td><td>KEITECH FLEX CHUNK SMALL-MEDIUM</td><td>2.6"</td><td>COL. 533</td><td>SWAMP RED CRAW</td><td></td></tr><tr><td>34363</td><td>KEITECH FLEX CHUNK SMALL-MEDIUM</td><td>2.6"</td><td>COL. 534</td><td>GREEN PUMPKIN JELLY</td><td></td></tr></tbody></table>
        Prezzo 7,90 €
        Paddle - Coda Piatta KEITECH PADDLIN BEAVER


          <p>KEITECH PADDLIN BEAVER Update cover game, Third generation paddle tail glove "Padolin Beaver". The approach should be smooth. Be sure to attract bass. Can be used in any obstacle. These can be said to be very important elements in modern cover fishing, where the number of casts is directly linked to the fishing result. I want to further improve efficiency. In order to satisfy the ``fishing desire'' of such cover fishermen, the shape we arrived at after repeated consideration and practice was the paddle tail glove. ``Pudlin Beaver''. Here are our suggestions for updating the cover game. The paddle tail, which can be called the heart of the boat, is wide, thick, and heavy, so its spontaneous deflection and its own mass move the water a lot, making it a strong presence even during freefall. Since the center of gravity is shifted towards the rear, it also contributes to improved castability.</p><table><thead class="pestit"><tr><td>Cod</td><td>Modello</td><td>Misura</td><td>Cod. Colore</td><td>Colore</td></tr></thead><tbody class="pestxt"><tr><td>034749</td><td>KEITECH PADDLIN' BEAVER</td><td>3.5"</td><td>COL. 001</td><td>BLACK</td></tr><tr><td>034343</td><td>KEITECH PADDLIN' BEAVER</td><td>3.5"</td><td>COL. 008</td><td>SCUPPERNONG</td></tr><tr><td>034685</td><td>KEITECH PADDLIN' BEAVER</td><td>3.5"</td><td>COL. 101</td><td>GREEN PUMPKIN PP</td></tr><tr><td>034344</td><td>KEITECH PADDLIN' BEAVER</td><td>3.5"</td><td>COL. 312</td><td>BLACK BLUE FLK</td></tr><tr><td>034492</td><td>KEITECH PADDLIN' BEAVER</td><td>3.5"</td><td>COL. 401</td><td>GREEN PUMPKIN CHARTREUSE</td></tr><tr><td>034345</td><td>KEITECH PADDLIN' BEAVER</td><td>3.5"</td><td>COL. 407</td><td>DELTA CRAW</td></tr><tr><td>034346</td><td>KEITECH PADDLIN' BEAVER</td><td>3.5"</td><td>COL. 434</td><td>BLUE BLACK CINNAMON</td></tr><tr><td>034347</td><td>KEITECH PADDLIN' BEAVER</td><td>3.5"</td><td>COL. 438</td><td>GREEN PUMPKIN FIRE</td></tr><tr><td>034348</td><td>KEITECH PADDLIN' BEAVER</td><td>3.5"</td><td>COL. 471</td><td>SMOKE CINNAMON CRAWDAD</td></tr><tr><td>034349</td><td>KEITECH PADDLIN' BEAVER</td><td>3.5"</td><td>COL. 480</td><td>ELECTRIC BLUEGILL</td></tr></tbody></table>
          Prezzo 8,90 €
          Paddle - Coda Piatta LUNKERHUNT GOBY GRUB


            <p>GOBY GRUB With lifelike eyes, defined gills and scales, the 4" Goby Grub is so realistic it fools fish in the clearest of water conditions. The Goby Grub is made with a special floating plastic that makes it the perfect bait to both Drop Shot, and Jig with.</p> <table><thead class="pestit"><tr><td>Codice</td> <td>Modello</td> <td>Colore</td> <td>Dimensioni</td> </tr></thead><tbody class="pestxt"><tr><td>LULHPGG000404</td> <td>LUNKERHUNT GOBY GRUB</td> <td>COL. 404</td> <td>4”</td> </tr><tr><td>LULHPGG000422</td> <td>LUNKERHUNT GOBY GRUB</td> <td>COL. 422</td> <td>4”</td> </tr><tr><td>LULHPGG000425</td> <td>LUNKERHUNT GOBY GRUB</td> <td>COL. 425</td> <td>4”</td> </tr><tr><td>LULHPGG000454</td> <td>LUNKERHUNT GOBY GRUB</td> <td>COL. 454</td> <td>4”</td> </tr></tbody></table><p></p> <p id="breadcrumbs"><span><span><span><span><strong class="breadcrumb_last">Goby Grub</strong></span></span></span></span></p> <p> </p> <p><a href=""><img class="alignnone wp-image-2787 size-large" src="" alt="3" width="1024" height="565" /></a></p> <p> </p> <p>Grazie all’aspetto incredibilmente realistico, Goby Grub risulta particolarmente catturante quando impiegato in acque particolarmente limpide.</p> <p><strong>Misura 4″ in confezione da 8 pezzi</strong></p> <p><a href=""><img class="alignnone wp-image-2788 size-full" src="" alt="productspecs11" width="1000" height="170" /></a></p> <p><strong>COLOR CHART</strong></p> <div id="gallery-2" class="gallery galleryid-2786 gallery-columns-3 gallery-size-medium"><dl class="gallery-item"><dt class="gallery-icon landscape"><a href=""><img width="300" height="300" src="" class="attachment-medium size-medium" alt="" /></a></dt><dd class="wp-caption-text gallery-caption" id="gallery-2-2793">Salmon</dd></dl><dl class="gallery-item"><dt class="gallery-icon landscape"><a href=""><img width="300" height="300" src="" class="attachment-medium size-medium" alt="" /></a></dt><dd class="wp-caption-text gallery-caption" id="gallery-2-2792">Pearl</dd></dl><dl class="gallery-item"><dt class="gallery-icon landscape"><a href=""><img width="300" height="300" src="" class="attachment-medium size-medium" alt="" /></a></dt><dd class="wp-caption-text gallery-caption" id="gallery-2-2791">Ice</dd></dl><p></p> <dl class="gallery-item"><dt class="gallery-icon landscape"><a href=""><img width="300" height="300" src="" class="attachment-medium size-medium" alt="" /></a></dt><dd class="wp-caption-text gallery-caption" id="gallery-2-2790">Copper</dd></dl><dl class="gallery-item"><dt class="gallery-icon landscape"><a href=""><img width="300" height="300" src="" class="attachment-medium size-medium" alt="" /></a></dt><dd class="wp-caption-text gallery-caption" id="gallery-2-2789">Algae</dd></dl></div>
            Prezzo 9,40 €
            Paddle - Coda Piatta LUNKERHUNT HOG GRUP


              <p>HOG GRUB The Lunkerhunt Hog Grub™ catches big fish. Gamefish cannot resist the Hog Grub when it is fished around and over structure. The Hog Grub has a high profile body and a narrow width that enable anglers to cover a lot of water with it. The Hog Grub also has a small paddle tail that draws attention with limited movement. The Hog Grub has been designed to be fished on a ball head, darter head, or mushroom head jig. It has been designed to be rigged like a traditional grub shape. Unlike traditional grubs, the design of the Lunkerhunt Hog Grub causes the body to become the primary target. Traditional grubs tend to short-strike and get their tails bit off as too much focus is generated on the tail. The Lunkerhunt Hog Grub improves from the traditional grub by presenting a bigger, meatier target which results in bigger fish and better hook ups. The Hog Grub has thick ribs, soft texture and is impregnated with fish protein. When fish bite, they do not let go!</p> <table><thead class="pestit"><tr><td>Codice</td> <td>Modello</td> <td>Colore</td> <td>Dimensioni</td> </tr></thead><tbody class="pestxt"><tr><td>LUHG000000001</td> <td>LUNKERHUNT HOG GRUP</td> <td>COL.01</td> <td>3”</td> </tr><tr><td>LUHG000000002</td> <td>LUNKERHUNT HOG GRUP</td> <td>COL.02</td> <td>3”</td> </tr><tr><td>LUHG000000003</td> <td>LUNKERHUNT HOG GRUP</td> <td>COL.03</td> <td>3”</td> </tr><tr><td>LUHG000000004</td> <td>LUNKERHUNT HOG GRUP</td> <td>COL.04</td> <td>3”</td> </tr></tbody></table><p></p> <p id="breadcrumbs"><span><span><span><span><strong class="breadcrumb_last">Hog Grub</strong></span></span></span></span></p> <p><a href=""><img class="aligncenter wp-image-5452 size-large" src="" alt="hog2" width="1024" height="463" /></a></p> <p>Lunkerhunt Hog Grub™ è per pesci di taglia. Irresistibile ai grossi bass quando lavorato intorno e sopra a strutture. Hog Grub ha un corpo con profilo molto alto ed una dimensione ridotta che permette di coprire molti strati d’acqua. La piccola coda produce un movimento anche a velocità ridotta di recupero attirando l’attenzione anche dei predatori più apatici.</p> <p><a href=""><img class="aligncenter wp-image-5451 size-large" src="" alt="hog" width="1024" height="471" /></a></p> <p>Hog Grub è stato progettato per jig head  del tipo ball head, darter head, o mushroom head. A differenza dei grub tradizionali, che tendono a focalizzare l’attenzione della preda sulla coda, il design degli Hog Grub mette in evidenza il corpo rendendolo l’obiettivo principale dell’attacco. In questo modo l’esca sembrerà di dimensioni maggiori, procurando grande interesse verso pesci di grossa taglia.</p> <p>Hog Grub è formato da anelli molto spessi, morbidi, ed impregnati di aroma a base di proteinie di pesce. Quando la preda lo attacca non lo vorrà mollare più!!</p> <p><strong>Misura: 3″</strong></p> <p><a href=""><img class="aligncenter wp-image-5448 size-full" src="" alt="hug" width="1000" height="170" /></a></p> <p> </p> <div id="gallery-2" class="gallery galleryid-5449 gallery-columns-3 gallery-size-medium"><dl class="gallery-item"><dt class="gallery-icon landscape"><a href=""><img width="300" height="92" src="" class="attachment-medium size-medium" alt="" /></a></dt><dd class="wp-caption-text gallery-caption" id="gallery-2-5447">Brown Pumpkin</dd></dl><dl class="gallery-item"><dt class="gallery-icon landscape"><a href=""><img width="300" height="92" src="" class="attachment-medium size-medium" alt="" /></a></dt><dd class="wp-caption-text gallery-caption" id="gallery-2-5446">Black Blue Flack</dd></dl><dl class="gallery-item"><dt class="gallery-icon landscape"><a href=""><img width="300" height="92" src="" class="attachment-medium size-medium" alt="" /></a></dt><dd class="wp-caption-text gallery-caption" id="gallery-2-5445">Chartreuse</dd></dl><p></p> <dl class="gallery-item"><dt class="gallery-icon landscape"><a href=""><img width="300" height="92" src="" class="attachment-medium size-medium" alt="" /></a></dt><dd class="wp-caption-text gallery-caption" id="gallery-2-5444">Smoke</dd></dl><dl class="gallery-item"><dt class="gallery-icon landscape"><a href=""><img width="300" height="92" src="" class="attachment-medium size-medium" alt="" /></a></dt></dl></div>
              Prezzo 8,90 €
              Paddle - Coda Piatta LUNKERHUNT MINI REAPER


                <p>Piccola creatura ideale per molti approcci light. Utilizzato come piccolo jig, sotto un galleggiante o su uno split shot rig sarà irresistibile per la maggior parte dei predatori.</p> <table><thead class="pestit"><tr><td>Codice</td> <td>Modello</td> <td>Colore</td> <td>Dimensioni</td> </tr></thead><tbody class="pestxt"><tr><td>LULHPFMR00001</td> <td>LUNKERHUNT MINI REAPER</td> <td>COL. 1</td> <td>2”</td> </tr><tr><td>LULHPFMR00002</td> <td>LUNKERHUNT MINI REAPER</td> <td>COL. 2</td> <td>2”</td> </tr><tr><td>LULHPFMR00003</td> <td>LUNKERHUNT MINI REAPER</td> <td>COL. 3</td> <td>2”</td> </tr></tbody></table><p></p> <p id="breadcrumbs"><span><span><span><span> <strong class="breadcrumb_last">Mini Reaper</strong></span></span></span></span></p> <p><a href=""><img class="alignnone wp-image-2821 size-full" src="" alt="MiniReaper" width="1080" height="436" /></a></p> <p>Piccola creatura ideale per molti approcci light. Utilizzato come piccolo jig, sotto un galleggiante o su uno split shot rig sarà irresistibile per la maggior parte dei predatori.</p> <p><strong>Misura 2″ in confezione da 12 pezzi</strong></p> <p> </p> <p><strong>COLOR CHART</strong></p> <div id="gallery-2" class="gallery galleryid-2820 gallery-columns-3 gallery-size-medium"><dl class="gallery-item"><dt class="gallery-icon landscape"><a href=""><img width="300" height="300" src="" class="attachment-medium size-medium" alt="" /></a></dt><dd class="wp-caption-text gallery-caption" id="gallery-2-2822">Leech</dd></dl><dl class="gallery-item"><dt class="gallery-icon landscape"><a href=""><img width="300" height="300" src="" class="attachment-medium size-medium" alt="" /></a></dt><dd class="wp-caption-text gallery-caption" id="gallery-2-2823">Olive</dd></dl><dl class="gallery-item"><dt class="gallery-icon landscape"><a href=""><img width="300" height="300" src="" class="attachment-medium size-medium" alt="" /></a></dt><dd class="wp-caption-text gallery-caption" id="gallery-2-2824">Punpkin</dd></dl></div>
                Prezzo 5,80 €
                Paddle - Coda Piatta LUNKERHUNT WATER BUG

                  LUNKERHUNT WATER BUG

                  <p>WATER BUG Creature like arms, tail, and an extended torso make the Water Bug the perfect bait for panfish. Fish the Water Bug on a small jig, under a float or on a split shot rig. Fish cannot resist it!</p> <table> <thead class="pestit"> <tr> <td>Codice</td> <td>Modello</td> <td>Colore</td> <td>Dimensioni</td> </tr> </thead> <tbody class="pestxt"> <tr> <td>LULHPFWB00001</td> <td>LUNKERHUNT WATER BUG</td> <td>COL. 1</td> <td>1.5”</td> </tr> <tr> <td>LULHPFWB00004</td> <td>LUNKERHUNT WATER BUG</td> <td>COL. 4</td> <td>1.5”</td> </tr> <tr> <td>LULHPFWB00005</td> <td>LUNKERHUNT WATER BUG</td> <td>COL. 5</td> <td>1.5”</td> </tr> </tbody> </table> <p></p> <p id="breadcrumbs"><span><span><span><span><strong class="breadcrumb_last">Water Bug</strong></span></span></span></span></p> <p><a href=""><img class="alignnone wp-image-2806 size-full" src="" alt="WaterBug" width="1080" height="436" /></a></p> <p>Piccola creatura ideale per molti approcci light. Utilizzato come piccolo jig, sotto un galleggiante o su uno split shot rig sarà irresistibile per la maggior parte dei predatori.</p> <p><strong>Misura 1,5″ in confezione da 12 pezzi</strong></p> <p><a href=""><img class="alignnone wp-image-2807 size-full" src="" alt="productspecs 14" width="1000" height="170" /></a></p> <p><strong>COLOR CHART</strong></p> <div id="gallery-2" class="gallery galleryid-2805 gallery-columns-3 gallery-size-medium"> <dl class="gallery-item"> <dt class="gallery-icon landscape"><a href=""><img width="300" height="300" src="" class="attachment-medium size-medium" alt="" /></a></dt> <dd class="wp-caption-text gallery-caption" id="gallery-2-2810">Beetle Juice</dd> </dl> <dl class="gallery-item"> <dt class="gallery-icon landscape"><a href=""><img width="300" height="300" src="" class="attachment-medium size-medium" alt="" /></a></dt> <dd class="wp-caption-text gallery-caption" id="gallery-2-2811">Pink</dd> </dl> <dl class="gallery-item"> <dt class="gallery-icon landscape"><a href=""><img width="300" height="300" src="" class="attachment-medium size-medium" alt="" /></a></dt> <dd class="wp-caption-text gallery-caption" id="gallery-2-2812">Squash</dd> </dl> <p></p> </div> <p> </p> <p><a href=""><img class="aligncenter wp-image-2808 size-large" src="" alt="1 (1)" width="1024" height="646" /></a></p>
                  Prezzo 5,80 €
                  Paddle - Coda Piatta NET BAIT B BUG

                    NET BAIT B BUG

                    <p>10 PIECES / BOX Available in a variety of proven colors and loaded with scent, salt and pork fat for added fish attraction, the NetBait B-Bug has quickly become a popular choice for anglers across the country.</p><table><thead class="pestit"><tr><td>COD</td><td>MODELLO</td><td>COLORE</td></tr></thead><tbody class="pestxt"><tr><td>010260</td><td>NETBAIT B BUG</td><td>BAMA BUG</td></tr><tr><td>010261</td><td>NETBAIT B BUG</td><td>BLACK NEON</td></tr><tr><td>018558</td><td>NETBAIT B BUG</td><td>GREEN PUMPKIN</td></tr><tr><td>019072</td><td>NETBAIT B BUG</td><td>OKEECHOBEE CRAW</td></tr></tbody></table>
                    Prezzo 9,50 €
                    Paddle - Coda Piatta NET BAIT BAITFUEL B BUG

                      NET BAIT BAITFUEL B BUG

                      <p>10 PIECES / BOX</p> <p>SIZE 4,3''</p> <p>The B Bug is a versatile and legendary bait. It can be fished weightless in pads or on shallow weed lines to give an ultra slow fall rate and swimming action or on the back of a jig. Also try it on a Carolina-rig or even give it some chatterbait love. The bigger profile, texture and movement catch attention every cast.</p> <p></p> <p>You can also texas-rig the B Bug with a Freedom Tackle Tungsten Weight to change your fall-rate and dial-in to what the fish are looking for...right up to a punch-weight for heavy cover action.</p> <p></p> <p>The B Bug is a compact bait. and the body has large rings that create a disturbance and the center of the body is recessed for better hookups. Guaranteed fish catching performance!</p> <p>Available in a variety of proven colors and loaded with scent, salt and pork fat for added fish attraction, the NetBait B-Bug has quickly become a popular choice for anglers across the country.</p> <p></p>
                      Prezzo 9,55 €
                      Paddle - Coda Piatta NET BAIT BAITFUEL DAGGER

                        NET BAIT BAITFUEL DAGGER

                        <p>The Dagger delivers an innovative flex-wing design to give the bait a unique gliding action. The 4.5" Dagger relies on a compact body core to easily allow for a large Texas-rig flippin’ hook while the thin, flex-wing design compresses quickly to improve hook penetration. The flex-wing also integrates forward-facing angled ribs into the design to improve water displacement and a natural swimming action that fish love. Note: Prototype testing in Florida by NetBait pro and field staff resulted in 3 tournament wins in 2019! Length: 4.5" Count: 8 per pack Flex-wing design Subtle leg action <iframe width="1288" height="725" src="" title="JT Kenney Unveils the NetBait Dagger" frameborder="0"></iframe></p><table><thead class="pestit"><tr><td>Cod</td><td>Dimensioni</td><td>Misura</td><td>Colore</td></tr></thead><tbody class="pestxt"><tr><td>033152</td><td>NET BAIT BAITFUEL DAGGER</td><td>4.5</td><td>ALABAMA CRAW</td></tr><tr><td>033153</td><td>NET BAIT BAITFUEL DAGGER</td><td>4.5</td><td>BLACK SHADDOW</td></tr><tr><td>033154</td><td>NET BAIT BAITFUEL DAGGER</td><td>4.5</td><td>OKEECHOBEE CRAW</td></tr><tr><td>033155</td><td>NET BAIT BAITFUEL DAGGER</td><td>4.5</td><td>PLUM MAGIC</td></tr><tr><td>033156</td><td>NET BAIT BAITFUEL DAGGER</td><td>4.5</td><td>DELTA CRAW</td></tr></tbody></table>
                        Prezzo 9,90 €
                        Paddle - Coda Piatta NET BAIT CRUSH WORM

                          NET BAIT CRUSH WORM

                          <p>NetBait - Crush Worm 3.75’’ è stato sviluppato espressamente per la pesca a drop shot con l’intento di ottenere un movimento veramente simile a un essere vivente. Questa soluzione deriva in primo luogo dalla scelta della mescola realizzata in materiale estremamente morbido e super galleggiante per donargli un assetto perfetto. Il perfetto bilanciamento tra le varie parti del corpo e la coda fanno il resto del lavoro. Anche tenendolo fermo sul posto con dei micro colpetti di cimino otterrai un ondeggiamento del Crush Worm a cui i Bass non potranno resistere! Per l’appunto questa non è una gomma che vada shakerata con veemenza ma, anzi, va fatta lavorare con grade delicatezza, piccoli movimenti per una presentazione super finesse. È il classico artificiale che il bass potrà restare a guardare anche per lungo tempo ma, alla fine, tutti i suoi sospetti cadranno e lo attaccherà! Alla mescola è stato aggiunto anche sale e aroma per garantire un maggior tempo di trattenuta dell’artificiale in bocca da parte del bass. Ogni busta contiene 10 pezzi.</p><table><thead class="pestit"><tr><td>Codice</td><td>Modello</td><td>MISURA</td><td>COLORE</td><td></td></tr></thead><tbody class="pestxt"><tr><td>027928</td><td>NET BAIT CRUSH WORM 3.75" N71009 GREEN PUMPKIN</td><td>3.75”</td><td>GREEN PUMPKIN</td><td>3.75”|GREEN PUMPKIN</td></tr><tr><td>027931</td><td>NET BAIT CRUSH WORM 3.75" N71345 MAGIC CHART</td><td>3.75”</td><td>MAGIC CHART</td><td>3.75”|MAGIC CHART</td></tr><tr><td>027932</td><td>NET BAIT CRUSH WORM 3.75" N71346 GREY GHOST</td><td>3.75”</td><td>GREY GHOST</td><td>3.75”|GREY GHOST</td></tr><tr><td>027927</td><td>NET BAIT CRUSH WORM 3.75" N71347 DARK SMELT</td><td>3.75”</td><td>DARK SMELT</td><td>3.75”|DARK SMELT</td></tr><tr><td>027930</td><td>NET BAIT CRUSH WORM 3.75" N71348 LON GOBY PEARL</td><td>3.75”</td><td>LON GOBY PEARL</td><td>3.75”|LON GOBY PEARL</td></tr><tr><td>027929</td><td>NET BAIT CRUSH WORM 3.75" N71350 MIDNIGHT GREEN</td><td>3.75”</td><td>MIDNIGHT GREEN</td><td>3.75”|MIDNIGHT GREEN</td></tr></tbody></table>
                          Prezzo 16,00 €
                          Paddle - Coda Piatta NET BAIT DAGGER

                            NET BAIT DAGGER

                            <p>NetBait Dagger è la nuova creatura della casa americana per il bass fishing. La sua prima caratteristica sono le ali flessibili che corrono lungo tutto il corpo e questo la fa scivolare nell'acqua in modo unico. Le vele sono intervallate dalle ribs che fuoriescono dal corpo angolate verso dietro, con lo scopo di conferire un nuoto naturale all'esca. Il corpo centrale è compatto ed è stato disegnato per ospitare un texas flippin' hook di buone dimensioni agevolandone la presentazione. La parte anteriore è contraddistinta da una grossa chela centrale che può essere utilizzata unita o separata in due a seconda delle necessità. È il tipico artificiale estivo da flippare dentro le cover innescandolo Texas rig, Jika rig e anche Tokio rig. È interessante sapere che i tester dell'azienda hanno vinto ben tre gare usando il prototipo di questo artificiale in Florida nel 2019. Misura 4,5 pollici e ogni busta contiene 8 pezzi.</p><table><thead class="pestit"><tr><td>Codice</td><td>Modello</td><td>MISURA</td><td>COLORE</td><td></td></tr></thead><tbody class="pestxt"><tr><td>026392</td><td>NET BAIT DAGGER 4.5" N67009 GREEN PUMPKIN</td><td>4.5”</td><td>GREEN PUMPKIN</td><td>4.5”|GREEN PUMPKIN</td></tr><tr><td>026393</td><td>NET BAIT DAGGER 4.5" N67010 BUMA BUG</td><td>4.5”</td><td>BUMA BUG</td><td>4.5”|BUMA BUG</td></tr><tr><td>026394</td><td>NET BAIT DAGGER 4.5" N67131 ALABAMA CRAW</td><td>4.5”</td><td>ALABAMA CRAW</td><td>4.5”|ALABAMA CRAW</td></tr><tr><td>026395</td><td>NET BAIT DAGGER 4.5" N67259 BLACK SHADOW</td><td>4.5”</td><td>BLACK SHADOW</td><td>4.5”|BLACK SHADOW</td></tr><tr><td>026396</td><td>NET BAIT DAGGER 4.5" N67266 OKEECHOBEE CRAW</td><td>4.5”</td><td>OKEECHOBEE CRAW</td><td>4.5”|OKEECHOBEE CRAW</td></tr><tr><td>026397</td><td>NET BAIT DAGGER 4.5" N67410 PLUM MAGIC</td><td>4.5”</td><td>PLUM MAGIC</td><td>4.5”|PLUM MAGIC</td></tr><tr><td>026398</td><td>NET BAIT DAGGER 4.5" N67412 SUN GILL</td><td>4.5”</td><td>SUN GILL</td><td>4.5”|SUN GILL</td></tr><tr><td>026399</td><td>NET BAIT DAGGER 4.5" N67413 DELTA CRAW</td><td>4.5”</td><td>DELTA CRAW</td><td>4.5”|DELTA CRAW</td></tr></tbody></table>
                            Prezzo 8,90 €
                            Paddle - Coda Piatta NIKKO ZAZA TADPOLES

                              NIKKO ZAZA TADPOLES

                              <p>NIKKO KASEI FRESHWATER FISHING SCENTED SOFT BAIT LURE ZAZA TADPOLE 2.9” Bass tournament pro's secret weapon!!! There's nothing on the market quite like this unique,award winning bait. These tadpole baits have the “Wow!” factor. A fantastic finesse bait with phenomenal tail action. This is a bait of passion. Floating. Scented. Super stretchy and long lasting. You’ll go through a lot of fish before the bait gives out. Like all our baits, completely free of plastisols, environmental hormones and other toxins. Largemouth Bass,Smallmouth Bass,Perch,Pike,Crappie and Sunfish all love this bait…and even trout, too. A fantastic drop shot bait.Also great on jig heads, TX rigged or simply hooked through the lip with a split shot added for weight, and you’re good to go! Fish don’t seem to mind how this bait is rigged. They just like it. Note: New tadpoles have a powder coating to make handling easier. The powder will come off in use and the color will become more vivid. Made in JAPAN. Lure length:2.9"/73mm Action:Floating 5 pcs in package. FEATURES: DURABLE: Super soft and stretchy, Nikko’s baits may be the most durable bait on the market.Last 6-30 time longer,giving you great cost performance compared with both live and plastic baits.Many of Nikko’s baits have lasted over 100 catches per bait. SCENTED: Nikko's all natural scent formulas have proven themselves across the world in both fresh and saltwater. EFFECTIVE: Nikko’s super soft material, incredible detail, design and natural scent mean more fish. FLOATING: All Nikko baits float, allowing greater flexibility in your approach and presentation to fish. CONVENIENT No liquids. No mess. No drying out in the sun. Just stretch the bait to recharge the scent. ENVIROMENTALLY FRIENDLY: No plastisols, phthalates or environmental hormones. No toxic chemicals of any kind. SWALLOW SAFE: Remains super soft if ingested causing little or no discomfort or hindrance. More easily passed or disgorged. BIODEGRADABLE: Nikko’s baits don't just disintegrate, they biodegrade under real life conditions. Designed and manufactured in Japan by craftsmen who fish.</p><table><thead class="pestit"><tr><td>Code</td><td>Modello</td><td>Misura amo</td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td></tr></thead><tbody class="pestxt"><tr><td>024238</td><td>NIKKO ZAZA TADPOLES</td><td>2.9INCH</td><td></td><td>C01 #531 GREEN PUMPKIN</td><td></td><td></td></tr><tr><td>024239</td><td>NIKKO ZAZA TADPOLES</td><td>2.9INCH</td><td></td><td>C02 #532 WATERMELON RED FLAKE</td><td></td><td></td></tr><tr><td>024240</td><td>NIKKO ZAZA TADPOLES</td><td>2.9INCH</td><td></td><td>C03 #533 PEARL WHITE</td><td></td><td></td></tr><tr><td>024241</td><td>NIKKO ZAZA TADPOLES</td><td>2.9INCH</td><td></td><td>C04 #534 CLEAR YELLOW</td><td></td><td></td></tr><tr><td>024242</td><td>NIKKO ZAZA TADPOLES</td><td>2.9INCH</td><td></td><td>C05 #535 CLEAR PINK</td><td></td><td></td></tr><tr><td>024243</td><td>NIKKO ZAZA TADPOLES</td><td>2.9INCH</td><td></td><td>C06 #536 NATURAL</td><td></td><td></td></tr></tbody></table>
                              Prezzo 9,90 €
                              Paddle - Coda Piatta NORIES FG DADDY

                                NORIES FG DADDY

                                <p>4.3" FG Daddy The "FG Daddy" is a special soft bait that can catch big fish. It has a large flat body and a flat tail that doesn't move too much. It also has a voluminous water pushing vibration that makes it look like a large bait is moving. It is a special shape soft bait that changes depending on the situation, and it will give you incredible results, especially for frogs, bluegills, crayfish, and crayfish that big fish are targeting. The basic way to use it is to set it flat as a trailer for a rubber jig. When the flat surface is placed down, it is mainly used for slide fall and bottom action. When the concave surface is placed down, it can be used to stabilize the swimming posture, create a soft landing sound, and drag bubbles. Large fish will respond strongly to it whether it is used as a trailer for chatter lures or attached to a swimming jig. It is a special soft bait with a body design that can be set up as a Texas, no sinker, Neko rig, or back slide.</p><table><thead class="pestit"><tr><td>Codice</td><td>Modello</td><td>Misura</td><td>Colore</td></tr></thead><tbody class="pestxt"><tr><td>14555</td><td>NORIES FG DADDY 4.3" 004</td><td>4.3”</td><td>COL. 04</td></tr><tr><td>14556</td><td>NORIES FG DADDY 4.3" 011</td><td>4.3”</td><td>COL. 11</td></tr><tr><td>14557</td><td>NORIES FG DADDY 4.3" 035</td><td>4.3”</td><td>COL. 35</td></tr><tr><td>19288</td><td>NORIES FG DADDY 4.3" 178</td><td>4.3”</td><td>COL. 178</td></tr></tbody></table>
                                Prezzo 11,90 €