Ecogear POWER DART MINNOW 90|Straight - Coda Dritta
    • Ecogear POWER DART MINNOW 90|Straight - Coda Dritta

    Ecogear POWER DART MINNOW 90

    12,90 €
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    Ecogear POWER DART MINNOW 90


    Il POWER DART MINNOW è l’ artificiale di ricambio da abbinare al POWER DART. E’ nato con una forma dritta e affusolata per essere sfruttato al meglio nei lanci e per conferirgli un’azione guizzante e repentina. Durante i recuperi infatti esso compie rapidi scarti a destra e sinistra imitando pesce foraggio in fuga e istigando i predatori all’ attacco. Sono 6 Peszzi gli artificiali all’interno della busta. Dart action effectively targets predator fish. POWER DART MINNOW has a thin profile and sharp dart action. The unique shape produces a sharp dart action and continuous tight shimmy tail action that provokes reaction bites from target fish. The thin profile also makes long casts possible to target distant areas. Enhanced with ECOGEAR's scent and taste technology for longer bites and therefore easier, firmer hooking. Designed with 2 guide holes for easy insertion of light sticks, the lure is also made with a clear center line to make it easier to set on a jig head when fishing. Combine with POWER DART HEAD for amazing dart action.

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